To the Children of the World

As you are growing up, you will

 Notice life can appear to

Be very challenging.

The world is not always a

Very nice place to live in.

You will see many things that

Make you wonder why bad

Things happen to so many.

You will see people who do

Not have enough food to eat

Or a place to live, and others,

Who do not like someone

Because they are different.

Regardless of what color your

Skin is, the country you live

In, your beliefs, religion, or any

Other differences there are,

It is important you do not

 Believe anyone is better or more

Important than anyone else.

Every life is equally important,

Regardless of any perceived

Differences there are between us.

Living a good life has nothing

To do with the job you have, the

Amount of money you make, if

You are famous or anything

Else you may hear about

When you are growing up.

Rather, the only important thing

Is that you are a good person.

Be someone who cares about

Others feelings, helping them

Whenever you can, treating everyone

 With kindness and love, even if they

Do not treat you that way.

You will find there are many

 In the world who are unhappy,

Afraid, and worry only about


 Please, do not be like them.

You can change the world if

You simply listen to the quiet

Voice in your heart and share

That message with everyone.

Embrace life with awe.

Be kind to everyone.

Share the goodness in your

Heart with those who are

Different or struggling.

And, most importantly, treat

Others like you want to be treated.

If you do this, you will be happy.

Choose not to live in a world

Where everyone is afraid,

Worrying only about themselves.

Instead, be generous, empathetic,

 Loving, respectful, humble, patient,

Honest, compassionate, kind,

Positive, grateful, hopeful,

And optimistic about life.

Be courageous.

Care about others feelings.

Be friendly and help them

If they are different or in need.

If you do this, you may

Find your life will be

Happy and meaningful.

The path you choose through

Life will decide the

Future of the world.

The older generations have

Not done a very good job

Taking care of our

Planet and each other.

It is up to you, therefore,

To make the changes that

Must be made, by choosing

The right path in life.

-Ken Luball-

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