by Ken Luball ~ Spiritual ~ Author ~ Seeker ~ Guide ~



1) Listen Quietly


It’s all part of the journey.

Once you Awaken, the only certainty is your life

Will never be the same and there is no turning back.

Everything in your life will change, including your friendships, relationships

And patience for the games people play who remain asleep.

Awakening happens when you begin to question everything you “Learned”.

Enlightenment though will only happen

When you truly “Accept” everything you Learned in life was “Untrue”.

The truth has always been “Within”.

“Listen” Quietly for all the answers you seek.


2) How Much is a Life Worth?


The going rate for a body, including the elements

It is composed of is just $1.

Is that what each life is worth?

Does having Wealth, Fame, a Prestigious Job

Being a certain Race, Religion, Sex or

Anything else differentiating us from each other

Make one life worth more than another?

These questions must be answered

By anyone seeking to “Awaken” and become “Enlightened.”

If your answer to these questions is “Yes”,

Your “Spiritual” Journey has not yet begun.

If, however, you begin to question how much a life is worth

Truly Believing and “Accepting” each life is “Equally Important,”

Despite “Any” perceived “Learned” differences,

Then you have begun your journey.


 3) The Lie


As soon as we are born, the Lie begins.

Our Socialization teaches us to Accept the Mores of Society

And “Our” Importance in the world.

We learn those who are famous, wealthy, have important jobs,

A certain skin color, religion, sex or

Any other comparisons we “Learned” defined Superiority in the world,

Are more “Successful” and “Better” than others.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

In truth, our “Egocentric” upbring is

The Cause of Hatred, Greed, War, Climate Change, Murder,

Prejudice and so many other “Negative” problems

Present in the world both today and throughout history.

The Truth is “No One” is more important than another

Regardless of their “Accomplishments in Life.”

What defines the Truth is “Everyone’s” Journey Through Life

Being as Valuable as our Own,

Sharing the resources of the planet Equally,

Allowing Every Life” to Flourish, be Important, Successful and Meaningful.


 4) The Suitcase


I would like you to picture an open suitcase.

Before we are born, the suitcase is empty.

With our birth, though,

The “Self” (“Ego”), which is everything we “Learn”,

And “believe to be true”, after we are born,

Begins to fill this suitcase up.

With each interaction we have, the suitcase becomes heavier,

As it begins to become cluttered with the baggage we accumulate,

From all the erroneous things we have Learned during our lives.

The heavier the suitcase becomes, the dimmer our Light gets

And the more we will have to unpack

When we Awake and begin our journey toward Enlightenment.

In the suitcase are all the false self-centered truth’s

Learned by the Self and Accepted by the child as they are growing up.

Though it does not take very long to fill the suitcase

(Usually during the first 5 years of life),

It may take the rest of their life, if at all, to

Find Their Light again,

Unpack the suitcase and return to the inner peace

And understanding they once knew before the suitcase began to fill.

Let us all therefore strive to keep our children’s suitcase lighter

During the early years of their life,

Allowing their light to remain brighter

And their journey through life easier and more meaningful.


 5) “The 3 Stages of Enlightenment”


The First Stage of Enlightenment – “Being Asleep”

The first stage of Enlightenment begins when we are born,

As we are “Socialized” and “Taught” what to

“Believe” (Ego), as we are exposed to and

“Accept” the mores of the society we are born into.

With our birth, our identity is already pre-determined.

The color of our skin, country we are born into, religion,

And many other man-made comparisons

Often dictate our future in the world.

We “Believe” these comparisons are true by observing others,

Reading about them in books and newspapers and by

Watching TV and movies.

Most people Believe and Internalize these differences,

Further proving to themselves

They are better, more important than another.

Those who Accept and Believe what they were Taught

Is true, despite their “Success” in life,

Remain “Asleep”, destined to live a life of mediocrity,

Believing their Happiness and Meaning will come from the World.

It will “Not”.


The Second Stage of Enlightenment – “Awakening”

Those who “Awaken” begin to question if everything we “Learned”

And “Accepted” to be real in life, as we were growing up, was true.

A feeling begins to flourish within, No longer able to be ignored,

Questioning the validity of Everything we once Believed.

Though we may be leading a “Successful” life, be wealthy, famous,

Or any other Learned comparison as to what Success is,

It no longer quells the uneasy feelings we experience

Coming from deep “Within” us.

The anguish we feel emanates from our Spirit, present Within every life.

Some may call the Spirit God/Soul or assign it another name; it does not matter.

It represents our “Guide” through life and gives our lives “Meaning”.

We “Awaken” when we first sense something is wrong,

Begin to question if what we Learned and

Accepted was true may Not have been,

Beginning us on a journey we have no choice but to pursue.

A Journey Towards Enlightenment.


The Third Stage of Enlightenment – Enlightenment

Enlightenment happens when we finally “Accept”

“Everything” we Learned and Believed to be true was “Not”.

Despite our Appearance, Wealth, Job, Material Possessions,

Or any other comparison we were Taught differentiates

Us from each other, we now realize we are Not better or

More important than anyone else.

We begin to “Hear” our Spirit within, Embracing it’s

Message by Sharing our Love Unconditionally with All others.

Though what we Learned when we were young

Will remain with us (Ego)

Its influence on our life is now minimal.

Instead of competing, we now wish to cooperate.

Instead of living in Fear, we now seek to live our life with Love.

And instead of desiring only what is Best for Ourselves,

We now wish to Selflessly help Others,

To ease “their” Journey Through Life.

With this change and “Acceptance”

Of the Spirit’s message we move further along

The path Towards Enlightenment.


 6) The Prism


When we are first born, “Before” we are socialized and “Taught” what to Believe,

The Light refracted through the “Prism of Life” is Pure White.

This White Light emerges due to the “Inherent” Unconditional Love

Present “Within” each life.

As we “Learn” how we are “Supposed” to act and “Treat” each other, though,

The white light of the Prism is dispersed into an infinite number of colors.

The more we “Accept” what we “Learn” and are “Taught”

By society how we should Act and Treat others, the Murkier

The reflected colors of the rainbow, flowing through the Prism, become.

The Darker the light emerging from the Prism, the more challenging life becomes.

Most problems, and many illnesses, experienced around the world,

Both now and throughout history, happen when a majority see

A Darkened light emerging through the Prism of Life.

As we “Awaken”, Begin to question what we have

Been “Taught” and “Believed” to be true (Ego),

The colors we see reflected through the Prism begin to Lighten

As we start to reject much of what we once Believed.

The Lighter the colors observed on the other side of the Prism

The more Peaceful, Loving, and Meaningful our life will become.

And with this change in colors,

A true understanding about “The Meaning of Life” may be realized.


 7) I Am Alone


Surrounded by a Sea of People

I pass many others, barely noticing my Existence.

Within, I feel Empty, Lost, Afraid of Everything

Needing to prove my Worth every day.

I constantly Worry, wanting to be Happy, Successful,

Be able to survive in the world

Providing everything my family and I need to be safe,

Enjoying the best things life has to offer.

I’m afraid to think too much.

If I do, I may realize, from the moment of our birth

Until we die, we each truly are Alone in the world.

The Journey Through Life was always meant to be solitary,

Searching for answers “Never” able to be found in the world.

To find your “Answers”, to be Happy and Successful, to not be Alone,

Seek your company “Within” first,

Only then Sharing it without Fear with all others.


 8) The Matrix


The “Matrix” is a world where most are “Asleep”,

Living in a Learned “Reality” Accepted as the Truth.

Those who remain sleeping throughout their lives

Seek their Truth in the World, Believing what they were Taught

As they were growing up will bring them Meaning and Happiness.

It will “Not”.

When we first “Awake”, we start to question if that belief is right.

Despite how “Successful” our life has been,

Sensing a “Voice” we begin to “Hear” Within,

The norms we once unquestionably Learned and Accepted as truth

No longer “Make sense to us”.

The “Voice” we hear tells us of Unconditional Love,

Hope, Equality, Helping Others, and all other Positive Caring values

Shared “Selflessly” with all others.

The Matrix we once understood and accepted as our reality

Begins to dissolve, leaving an unrecognizable world,

A world where “Love” (Spirit) becomes predominant over “Fear” (Ego),

And rather than compete against each other

To survive in the world, we desire to Help each other instead.

Living in such a world is possible.

To do so, “Listen” to the voice you “Hear” Within,

Open your Heart to the possibility’s life offers,

Allowing your Matrix to melt away,

Revealing the true “Purpose of Life” in its wake.


 9) Finding Your Light


The answers we seek, to “Find Your Light”,

Enabling us to embrace Inner Peace, Love and Meaning in our Life,

May “Never” be found in the world by looking outside.

They may only be found by looking “Within”, where the Spirit exists.

Many of us intuitively understand this.

To accept and allow your Spirit to guide

Your Journey Through Life, however, is quite challenging.

This is due to the dominance of the Ego (Self).

The Ego is everything we were “Taught” and “Believe” to be true since our birth.

“Awakening” begins when we start to question everything we “Learned”.

“Enlightenment” happens when we “Accept” as truth

Everything we learned was “Wrong”.

The journey is long, difficult, and often lonely.

The “Meaning of Life” is pursuing this journey, “Sharing Selflessly”

With all others your “Light” within.


 10) What is the Meaning of Life?


In the 70’s, I would have said The Meaning of Life

Was “Sex, Drugs & Rock & Roll”.

As I got older though, my definition changed.

The “Meaning of Life” is to begin to question

If what we “Learned”, and “Accepted”

Throughout our life was true (Awaken),

Realize and “Accept” Nothing

We Learned (Ego) was True (Enlightenment).

Sharing the “Unconditional Love” (Spirit)

(Love shared Selflessly, without expectation of getting anything in return)

With “All” others,

Is the true “Meaning of Life”.


 11) Love is All There Is


Why is there war, hate, fear?

Every death is senseless,

Every negative emotion harmful,

Not only to ourself, but to every life as well.

Open your heart, “Listen”,

What do you “Hear”, what do you “Feel”?


Everything else, everything we learned,

Every negative emotion,

Though accepted as normal throughout history

Must stop,

For our children and

For the very survival of all life on our planet.


 12) We are all family,

Part of a greater spiritual universe

Related by a common purpose.

Every life, regardless of appearance, prestige, wealth

Or any other comparison we learned

Made us better than another

Is an important integral part of this universe

Equally deserving of Respect, Happiness and Love.


  13) Embrace Love Over Fear


What is Learned during the first five years of a child’s life,

May affect their “Entire Life.”

The many struggles we have throughout our lives

Often result from the beliefs we developed

During these early, impressionable years,

And the “Acceptance” of the many false self-centered

Egocentric messages we received as the truth,

As we Learn our role in the world.

During these years if a child is taught

To view the world and others through a Dark Negative Prism,

One where “Fear” and concern for yourself,

Dominate “Love” and concern for the well-being of “Everyone”,

The challenges these children will face will be great.

If, however, during these early years,

They embrace “Love Over Fear”,

Concerned for the success and happiness of Everyone

Rather than only for themselves,

Their lives will take a much different direction.

These children will learn to understand,

Treat others and all life with respect,

And view life with Wonder and Awe,

Rather than with Fear and Hate.

It is time to change the paradigm of life


 14) Have We Lived Our Lives in Vain


We knew the answers when we were young.

We had the best music ever recorded.

We were going to change the world.

Every generation feels this way.

What happened?

The answer is Life.

Many of us got married, had families, bought a house,

Had bills, got a job, and “Forgot”.

We settled into a life of mediocrity.

Eventually, we bought the “Illusion of Happiness”

We learned as we were growing up.

We began looking for answers in the world around us,

Rather than from “Within”,

Where we once knew the answers lie.

We failed.

The world Now is worse than when we were young.

Is it too late to change the world?

It is up to each of us to spread the message of “Unconditional Love”,

Residing “Within” each of us, to all others;

To finish spreading the message we once knew to be true.

It is not too late to try to leave the world

A better place for our children.

If we do not, we all have lived our lives in vain.


 15) Each of Us May Change the World


Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha

And others called prophets throughout history

Were simply human

Who fully embraced their Spirit Within,

Sharing the love residing there selflessly with others.

The religions begun in their names have long ago

Lost their initial intention to help others realize

This simple fact.

Each of us may choose to follow their path.

Doing so will not only bring Meaning to your life

But to all others who share your journey through life as well.


 16) Surviving Is Not Enough


 The Ego, which is everything we Learn and

Accept as true after we are born,

Allows us to survive in the world.

The Spirit, an Ethereal presence “Within” every life,

However, gives value to our lives and

Allows us to embrace life more fully.

Though the Ego will always be

An important part of our life,

To help us navigate and get by in the world,

It is the “Spirit That Gives Our Lives Meaning“.

On an Enlightened level, the “Purpose” of Life

Is to realize and “Accept” this, and by doing so,

Allow the Unconditional Love of the Spirit, to be shared

Selflessly with All.


 17) Spirituality vs Religion


Spirituality is quite different from Religion.

Religion is created by man.

It may have had good intentions when it began,

But “Learned” beliefs and intentions are False.

Spirituality comes from “Within”, where the Inherent beliefs of

God/Spirit/Soul, or whatever you may call it, Exists.

These are the Pure Whole Emotions “We Were Meant to Share and Live By”.

Whereas Religion divides us, Spirituality joins us together

To improve the life of All.


 18) Spiritual Insanity


Psychology defines insanity as a severely disordered state of the mind.

Albert Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing

Over and over, expecting different results.

What is the cause of “Spiritual Insanity”?

Spiritual Insanity” is caused by living in an egocentric world,

Where war, hunger, homelessness, climate change, greed, prejudice, fear, hate

Exist, “Accepting” the Reality and Helplessness these conditions cause.

We therefore settle into a pattern of self-preservation,

Concerned only for “Our” survival and “Success” in the world.

We have the ability “Now” to feed everyone,

Get rid of hunger, give medications to the poor for treatable illnesses,

House those without shelter, treat climate change by accepting green alternatives,

Embrace “Unconditional Love” over Hate and Fear,

Get rid of the causes of war by equally sharing our resources.

What prevents us from doing this: Greed and Fear.

It is “Not” too late to treat the causes of “Spiritual Insanity”,

Though our window for change may be rapidly closing.

The time for change is Now.

Unless we “Aggressively” tackle the causes of “Spiritual Insanity” Together

And rid society of the above scourges,

There may not be an inhabitable world left for our children to flourish in.


 19) Our Search for Meaning


When we begin to search for Meaning in Our Life

Questioning the truth of all we were taught,

We begin to “Awaken and start the arduous journey

On the path towards Enlightenment.

This journey is long, often lonely, and quite challenging.

Only a few will reach the end of the path.

The journey often is not a choice for those who pursue it.

There is a gnawing unrelenting feeling “Within” that can no longer be ignored.

This feeling comes from the “Spirit”,

Questioning All the choices and everything we had been taught

And “Accepted” as true throughout our life.

At this moment, we “Awaken”.

From this moment forward, your life will be changed forever.

You begin to question the friendships, job, marriage, and everything in your life

As you embark on this new journey with those

Continuing to “Live” in an Unenlightened world.


 20) The End of Life


After we have lived our lives, as we approach death,

It is common to reexamine how our life went.

Did we live a “successful” life?

The end of life offers a unique opportunity to do this,

Because at this time, the Ego (Self) loosens its influence on us,

And the Spirit becomes our predominant reviewer.

At this point in the cycle of life, it no longer matters

How much money we made, the size of the house we lived in,

The job we had, or anything else associated with “success,”

As dictated in the world by the Ego.

We are all finally equal now and we judge our success

Through a different prism: that of the Spirit.

When we review our lives, what we had thought was success

Often holds a different meaning now.

It is at this time, especially during the last few days of our life,

We come to the realization what we thought was important

Really was not.

All the material things we accumulated, friends we had,

Places we visited, jobs we worked, amount of money we made, or any other comparison you can think of,

Which belongs in the world in which we had lived,

Becomes meaningless.

It is at that moment, the moment where the Ego has minimal Control over our actions and decisions,

The true “Meaning of Life” finally becomes evident.

It is then, despite how strongly the Ego may have influenced

Our life before, the opportunity to view our life

In a different way presents itself.

At this time in our life, primarily viewing our lives

Through the eyes of our Spirit,

We may find we have many regrets.

We begin to understand the Selfish pleasures in the world

We had sought were not very important.

As death becomes evident, we finally realize none of that matters.

When we die, unless our culture is like that of the ancient Egyptians,

Our body will be buried or cremated and

Nothing we accumulated during our lifetime will accompany us.

Our body will then be placed in a coffin or urn,

Just like every other person who dies,

Regardless of their stature or their lifetime accomplishments.

At that moment, just before we die, we finally understand

“We truly are all equal.”

No one was ever better than another.

Race, money, prestige no longer matter.

At that moment, it becomes evident

The path the Ego had us follow to find “success and happiness”

May have not been the right path after all.

The fear, hatred, and prejudice we once felt

Are no longer important to us,

Not because we are going to die,

But because “It Never Did Matter.”


21) The Hope of Every Generation


When we were young, it was the greatest of times.

We believed we would change the world,

But did we?

If we look at the world today,

The answer most certainly must be “No”.

We fell into a pattern so many generations do.

Trying to survive in the world,

We forgot the importance of Caring about each other Selflessly.

We eventually “accepted” society’s egocentric definition of Success & Happiness.

It is Not too late, though, to open our hearts and share our Love

Unconditionally with all others.

By doing so, we can change the direction of the world,

Helping Everyone Succeed,

Leaving the world a better place for our children and each other.


 22) The Illusion of Happiness


There are two ways to view Happiness.

One is from what we “Learned” it to be.

We were taught Happiness comes from making a lot of money,

Having a house, car, family, doing fun things,

Doing things that will make “You” happy.

This type of happiness is “An Illusion of Happiness”.

If we do all these things, are we truly happy?

The other type of Happiness comes from “Within”, from our Spirit.

This kind of Happiness results from doing things “Selflessly” benefiting others,

Bringing Happiness to “Everyone.”

This type of happiness brings Inner Peace, true Happiness,

And many other positive feelings,

Including an understanding of the Meaning of Life.

We must choose which form of Happiness to pursue.

It is my hope we choose wisely.


 23) What if I Die Today?


Life is very uncertain and unpredictable.

Despite our health and age, any of us could die Today.

Your wealth, race, sex, or any other comparison

May not Save you from death this day.

There is much uncertainty what happens after we die.

Many hope there is “More after Death”.

Until the moment “After” we die, though, we will never truly know.

Would we approach life differently if we knew death was Imminent?

Those who are gravely ill, knowing they will die soon,

Often review their life when death is approaching,

Realizing there is much they wish they had done differently.

When this moment happens, almost All have regrets.

Money, Material Possession, Fame, and anything else we thought

Would make our lives “Successful”, suddenly are Meaningless.

On the day we will die, we finally understand

Our “Priorities” in life were wrong; we Wasted our life.

We had lived our life in “Fear”, accepting the Self-Centered

Egoistic path through life we were Taught

Would allow us to lead a “Successful” life.

On that day, we finally understand what was truly important.

We realize, to lead an Important Meaningful life

We must “Open our Heart”, Sharing the “Love” Within Selflessly

Not only with those closest to us, but with “All Others as Well”.

Approach life as if you will die today.

Live “Every Day” with “Love”, instead of “Fear” by “Opening Your Heart”.

If you do, on the day you will die, you will have No Regrets,

Having had the chance to Make a Difference,

By Sharing your Love while you were still alive.

For on that day just “Before” you die

You will realize your life was “Worthwhile” and “Meaningful”.


 24) We Are All Equal, Important and Connected


It does not matter what Job you have or how much Money you make,

The Color of your Skin or Where you Live,

Your Race or Religious preference,

Sex or Sexual preference,

Or any other comparison we may make.

We are “All” Equal, Important and Connected.

Only when “Everyone” succeeds in life,

Regardless of looks, beliefs or any other differences,

Will Life truly have Meaning

And will we All have led a “Successful” life.


 25) “Mid Life” Crisis


After someone “Awakes”, there is often a difficult period of transition.

That person begins to question everything in their life.

Many people go through a “Mid Life” Crisis at this time.

They are confused questioning

Everything they “Learned” and once Believed to be True.

There is a “Gnawing” feeling within they no longer can ignore,

Coming from their very core.

It is their “Spirit” attempting to “communicate” with them,

Making them question the “Egoistic” path in life they are on.

Finally reaching a point no longer able to ignore this feeling,

They have no choice but to make changes in their life; they “Awake”.

Friendships and relationships might fade away,

Their job may appear unsatisfying,

As they now may have little in common with those still “Asleep”.

They begin a journey to find “Meaning” in their Life.

A journey leading them to “Rediscover” their “Spirit” within.


 26) Within


Within everything alive there is an “Essence”.

Whether you call this Essence Spirit/Soul/God or anything else

It does not matter.

It is an Ethereal presence connecting all life together,

Giving our lives “Meaning”.

“Awakening” happens when we first sense this presence

Is truly there and may be important in our life.

“Enlightenment” is reached when we “Accept”

It is more important than the “Ego”,

Which encompasses everything we have Learned and

Believed to be True since we were born.

We finally understand the importance of “Every” life

Not just “Our” own life,

As the “Meaning of Life” finally becomes clear.


 27) The Twilight of Life


 As I sit of my porch on a cold winter day,

In the Twilight of my Life,

I reflect on what is important in life.

I look at the many struggles others, as well as I, had.

The wars, hunger, homelessness, greed, fear, hate, prejudice,

Life changing loss of job/divorce/illness/death or

Any number of other challenges I have seen during my life.

I now understand how unnecessary many of these difficulties were.

We do “Not” have to face life “Alone”, as we are “Taught” and “Learn”

To do when we are young, “Yet Most Do”.

Instead, Sharing hardships equally,

Caring and Loving others Unconditionally,

Understanding and “Accepting” the importance of “Every” life,

Will negate many of these struggles and negative emotions,

Allowing our world to “Evolve”, ushering in, for our children,

A world where Love dominates Fear and Hope – Despair.


 28) The First Step in Your Spiritual Journey


“Everything” you “Learn” and “Accept” as real

Since you were born is “Untrue”.

Understanding this is the first step in your Journey towards Spirituality.

We are socialized to believe our Happiness and Meaning

Result from our “Actions” and “Success” in the world.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

The Truth may Never be found in the World.

It may only come from “Within.”

If you “Listen” silently

“All” the answers you seek,

Will reveal themselves to you

And the “Lesson” you are here to learn

Will finally be realized.


 29) Which Future Will We Choose?


Why is there hunger, homelessness, hate, fear?

Why is there prejudice, poverty, inequality, war?

These are only a few of the emotions and actions

Of a dying species, one where their children

Will perish in a soon to be uninhabitable land.

It is Not too late to stop this future,

Though time for change is rapidly passing.

Embrace each other and the Spiritual message Within,

Open your heart to living in a world of

“Love rather than Hate”

Ensuring a bright future for all our children and

The planet we all share together.


 30) To the Children of the World


As you are growing up, you will notice life can appear

To be very challenging.

The world is not always a very nice place to live in.

You will see many things that make you wonder

Why bad things happen to so many.

You will see people who do not have enough food to eat

Or a place to live, and others,

Who do not like someone because they are different.

Unlike the picture below, regardless of what color your skin is,

The country you live in, your name, religion,

Or any other differences there are,

It is important you do “Not” believe anyone is better

Or more important than anyone else.

“Every Life is Equally Important”,

Regardless of any perceived differences there are between us.

Living a good life has Nothing to do with the job you have,

The amount of money you make,

If you are famous or anything else you may hear about

When you are growing up.

Rather, the only important thing is that you are a “good” person. Be someone who cares about others feelings,

Helping them whenever you can,

Treating everyone with kindness and love,

Even if they do not treat you that way.

You will find there are many in the world who are unhappy,

Afraid and worry only about themselves.

Please, do “Not” be like them.

You can change the world, if you simply “listen”

To the quiet voice in your heart and

Share that message with everyone.

Embrace life with awe. Be kind to everyone.

Share the goodness in your heart with those who are different

Or struggling. And, most importantly, treat others

Like you want to be treated.

If you do this, you will be happy.

Choose “Not” to live in a world where everyone is afraid

And worrying only about themselves.

Instead, care about others, be generous, empathetic, loving,

Respectful, humble, patient, honest, compassionate, kind,

Positive, grateful, hopeful, and optimistic about life.

Be courageous; care about others feelings,

Be friendly and help them if they are different or in need.

If you do this, you may find your life will be happy and meaningful.

The path you choose through life will decide

The future of the world.

The older generations have “Not” done a very good job

Taking care of our planet and each other.

It is up to you, therefore, to make the changes

That must be made,

By choosing the “right” path in life.


 31) Truth


There is No truth “In the World”.

Authentic truth lies “Within.”

Once you understand and “Accept” this,

You “Awaken.”


 32) The Path Towards “Enlightenment”


“Unconditional Love” is given without

Expectation of receiving anything in return.

It is Shared “Selflessly” with all others.

This is quite different from “Learned” Love,

In which we give our Love expecting to

To have our Love reciprocated or get something else in return.

The first sign of an “Awakened” person

Is beginning to question if “Learned Love”

Is Enough and Satisfies the inner need

We each have to be Loved.

An “Enlightened” person Realizes and “Accepts”

Learned Love is a Myth, Created by the Ego.

“Unconditional Love” freely shared with all,

“Even if Others Don’t Love You in Return”

Signals you are on the right path towards “Enlightenment.”


 33) Always Be “Kind”


There is “Never” a reason

To be cruel or Unkind to “Anyone Ever.”

We are All here to Help each other in our Journey Through Life.

We can learn from each person.

Though we may disregard much of what someone is saying

If we do not agree with them,

It is No reason to treat them or anyone else

Without Respect, Love and Gratitude.

Helping each other Selflessly, with no expectations

Is our reason for our Existence.

Be “Kind” to everyone, Always

And perhaps, we may be able to foster

A change in Consciousness

Altering the course of our future

Leaving our Children a world that is

Kind, Caring, Compassionate and Loving.


 34) We are All Human Beings


Regardless of any Comparison you can think of

Dividing us from One Another,

We are All Human Beings,

Deserving to be Treated Equally and With Compassion.

Though some may believe they are Better than others

This Fallacy is a Lie,

Perpetrated by the Mind (“Ego”)

And is the cause of many Hardships

Experienced by many throughout time.

We are All Human Beings Equal in Every way,

Regardless of any Man-Made Comparison.

We are United by a common “Spirit”,

Present “Within” each of us.

Only by Embracing and Sharing our “Spirit”,

Helping Each Other “Selflessly”

Will the true “Meaning of Life” be understood.


 35) Our Children’s Legacy 


The older generations, all hopeful when we were young, “Failed”.

Our failure is allowing our children to grow up in a World of

Fear, Greed, Prejudice, Inequality, Hatred, Hunger, Homelessness

Climate Change, War and Distrust.

Instead of “Helping Each Other”, without pause,

As “Life is Meant to be Lived”,

We focus only on Our Survival and “Success”.

To change this paradigm,

To make this world “Safer” for our Children to grow up in,

It will take a Darwinian Shift of Consciousness,

Embracing Love over Fear by

Considering what is best for “Everyone” rather than only for Ourselves.


 36) The Message We Are Here to Learn.


Fear, Hate, Prejudice.

Hunger, Homelessness, Climate Change.

None of these things and so much more

Need exist today.

Every man-made emotion and problem results

From accepting the status quo,

The belief we are each better than another.

“We Are Not”.

In truth, “We Are All One”,

Every life equally important,

Deserving to be treated with Respect and Love.

This is the simple message we are here to learn,

This is “The Meaning of Life”.


 37) The Journey


 We each follow a different path on our Journey Through Life.

Though there are an endless number of turns in the road

Detouring us each in an infinite number of directions,

The destination is the same.

Uniting with our Spirit Within,

Sharing its Unconditional Love with others

Will complete our journey

Bringing Meaning and Understanding to our lives.


38) God


The belief in God influences many people throughout the world.

Therefore, the awareness of God must not be ignored.

Whether you call God Spirit, Soul, or any other name,

This ethereal being has been the subject

Of much discussion throughout time.

Though God should unite us, often it does not.

All life, regardless of religion or any existing beliefs, is Important.

No one life is more important than another.

There is a small piece of God is “Within” every life,

Connecting each life to the other.

It is only when we “Share” this part of us “Selflessly”

“Unconditionally” with each other,

Will the Spiritual Evolution of our planet finally be realized.


 39) Change the World


We are all one in a crowd of many

Hidden from view by the multitude.

Yet each life is extraordinary, unique,

Having the ability to change the world,

Not by their accomplishments or prestige,

But by sharing their Love with others,

Changing their lives forever by doing so.


 40) Living in a Competitive World


Many of the problems and illnesses around the planet

Result from Living in a Competitive World.

It is a World where concern is focused only on “Our” survival,

On what’s best for “Us”,

Rather than the Survival and what is best for “Everyone”.

From the moment of our birth,

We are “Taught” to embrace this “False Path” through life.

With “Awakening”, we begin to question if this “Learned” egocentric path

Is wrong and is the reason for the uneasy “Feeling” Within,

Wondering if there may be “More to Life”.

“Enlightenment” results as we finally “Accept” Everything we were Taught

And Learned was true, “Was Not”.

At this point, we Understand the “Meaning of Life”

Is to “Equally Share Everything” with All others,

Allowing “Everyone” to be Happy & Live a Successful Life as well.


 41) We are Not Alone


We are “All” here to help each other on our Journey Through Life.

Reach out when you are down.

We will help pick you up and gently guide you

To the path you are meant to follow.

This is what we were always meant to do,

To truly care about each other; helping each other “Selflessly”.

By Sharing our Love Unconditionally with others,

Our lives will be Meaningful and

An Inner Peace will replace the Chaos dwelling Within.


 42) The Spiritual Path


Enlightenment is a journey, often long, challenging, and lonely,

Many “Have No Choice” but to follow.

Despite how “Successful” our life may be,

There is a feeling deep “Within”, something is wrong.

A feeling that simply will not abate.

This “Awakening”, will lead to disavowing “Everything”

We have “Learned” and “Accepted” as True during our lifetime.

Beginning us on a Spiritual Path of Self-Discovery.


 43) The Eyes You See the World Through


 Look at the world.

Do you see clear crisp colors, undiluted by the

Challenges experienced by so many?

Do you see an uncaring world in disarray or

A world of endless possibilities?

How you view the world and others depend

On the eyes you see it through.

If you accept all you were taught,

The world will indeed be a dark place,

Its shaded colors muted by an array of impure hues.

If, however, the world is seen through your Spirit/Soul Within

Your vision will become clear

Revealing the unlimited potential of life.


 44) Look into the Soul of Another


When you look at another, what do you see?

Is it the protective shield we place around ourself,

Hiding our true feelings from others?

When you talk to another, do you truly “hear”

What they are saying or do you hear the superficial words

Disguising their thoughts within?

Look past the obvious, the façade,

When you see or hear others,

Into their very “Soul” within,

To truly get to know another by

Sharing an intimate moment together

That may change the direction of both your lives forever.


 45) Our Baggage in Life


Each one of us has “Baggage”

We carry from our Experiences in Life.

Our Baggage often causes us to see the World differently.

If your Baggage causes you to view the World with “Fear”,

Concerned only for yourself and family,

Your narrowed Vision of Life

Will cloud many of your decisions

And lead to an “Unfulfilled” life.

If, however, “Despite” the Baggage you have carried in your life,

You embrace and live your life with “Love”,

Shared Freely and Unconditionally with all others,

Your expanded Vision of Life

Will allow you to “Awaken”,

Bringing Happiness, Inner Peace

And a True Understanding of the “Meaning of Life”.


 46) Are You Your Brother’s Keeper?


Is Your Life More Important Than Another’s?

Should you Not care about helping everyone,

Allowing their life to be easier and more Meaningful?

If you live your life in “Fear”

Concerned only for Your Survival and Happiness

Your answer to the above questions is “Yes.”

And though you may Survive, be “Successful” and live to an Old Age

Your Life will lack “Meaning.”

If, however, the answer to the above questions is “No”

Then, though you may not be as “Successful” and

Live as long as others who live their Life in Fear

Your life will be Important, Meaningful and

You will have Discovered the Lesson we are all here to Learn.


 47) Sharing Your Love


Choose to Live in a world where

Your “Light” shines brightly,

Sharing with others the incredible

Inner Peace and Love

Emanating from your very core Within.

Assure every life has an equal chance

To experience and find their Light as well,

Bringing “Peace, Light, and Love,” to the world.


48) Our Light


When we are born, our Light (Spirit) shines brightly.

With each passing day, though,

As we Learn, Accept and Believe what we are Taught (Ego)

Our Light begins to dim.

As we get older, we may begin to question the truth of

What we were Taught,

Hoping to rediscover our bright Light within (Awaken).

If we are successful, “accepting” everything we Learned

During our life from the Ego

Is the cause of our darkening radiance,

Our Light will once again shine brightly (Enlightenment)

As it was always meant to do.


49) What is “Best” for “Everyone”?


When we consider the many man-made divisions

Seen throughout the world,

Whether it be our different Political, Religious, Tribal or

Any other differences determined by our Socialization,

The “Only” question we must ask Ourselves is

What is “Best” for “Everyone”?

Living in an Egocentric World,

Where we only ask “What is Best for Me”

Is the cause of “All” the Hate, Fear, Prejudice, Wars,

Hunger, Homelessness, Climate Change and

All other problems existing in the world today and throughout History.

If we “Only” considered what is “Best for Everyone”

We would equally Share our Resources

Ridding the world of Hunger and Homelessness.

Treat Each person with Respect, Love and Empathy

Regardless of their Differences,

To rid the world of Fear, Hate and Prejudice.

Making the World a Kinder, more Caring Home for “All”.


 50) We Must Share the Meaning of Life


When you “Accept” the guidance of your Spirit Within

Everything in your life changes forever.

Though the Ego, (which is everything you have Learned and

Believed to be true since your birth)

Will continue to be present,

To help you navigate the everyday trials of life,

It no longer dictates your actions.

With the Spirit now as your primary guide through life,

You are “Awakened”.

With the “Acceptance” of its message

You become “Enlightened”.

Those who truly understand this

Must share its message

Helping others seeking Meaning in their Life

Find it as well.


51) The Sky


When you look at the sky what do you see?

Do you see a crystal blue sky, without clouds

Disguising the bright sun’s rays when we are awake?

Do you see an infinite number of stars illuminating the night sky

Unencumbered by the bright lights below?

Or do you see dark clouds in the sky,

Completely covering the sun’s rays and the stars splendor,

Causing havoc and suffering to our planet below?

It is our “Choice” how we view the sky.

It has little to do with the weather.

Choose to see the Sky with Light rather than Darkness

And then Share Your beauty and Light with all others.


  52) Our Hope for Change


Every generation hopes to bring change.

Yet, after millennia, we live in a Cruel, often Unforgiving World

Continuing to Ignore the needs of the Many,

Instead seeking only our own “Self-ish” desires and pleasures.

The numerous problems seen throughout the World,

Climate Change, Hunger, Homelessness, Extreme Poverty, ad infinitum,

Are caused by Fear, Greed, Hate, and Prejudice,

Instilled in each of us as we were “Socialized” to believe the “Big Lie.”

This Lie taught us to “Accept” and Inflate “Our” importance

In the World Over the Importance of Every Living Thing.

Only when we “All” Succeed, Sharing the resources on this planet Equally,

May the paradigm of life be altered

Allowing the Fear, Greed, Hate and Prejudice to fade away,

Bringing the Change Each Generation

Had so desperately hoped for.


 53) The Spirit Guide


Within every life lies a “Spirit Guide.”

Whether you call this guide a Spirit/ Soul/ God or anything else,

It does Not matter.

It is an Ethereal being meant to give our lives “Meaning.”

“Awakening” begins when we first begin to sense its presence

Questioning if the messages we “Learned”

As we were growing up were True.

“Enlightenment” happens when we “Accept” Everything

We were Taught and Believed to be true was Not.

To live a Meaningful Life, “Listen” quietly

And follow the path of the “Spirit Guide.”


 54) Raising Our Children with Love


“What is Learned during the first five years of a child’s life,

May affect their “Entire Life”.

The many struggles we have throughout our lives

Often result from the beliefs we Developed and “Accepted”

During these early, impressionable years,

When we Learn about our relationship with the world.

We then often spend the Rest of our Life

Undoing the harm done during these vulnerable years.

Let us therefore strive to raise our children

Embracing Love instead of Fear,

Allowing their Journey Through Life

To be Meaningful and Happy.


 55) Everything We Learn is a “Myth.”

The Only “Truth” lies “Within.”

Where the Answers to Life have always been.


 56) Helping Each Other


All who are struggling, for whatever reason,

Must be recognized, helped, and cared for.

All our resources should be equally shared.

There should Not be hunger, homelessness, climate change,

War, Poverty, Religious Conflict, Discrimination,

Or any of the many other isolating afflictions plaguing the World.

We can rid ourselves of these problems “Now”.

All we lack is the Will to do so.

Helping each other is how life is meant to be lived.

Only then may our hearts soften

Allowing us to understand the true reason we are alive

And the Meaning of Life.


 57) Is There a “Reason We Are Alive”?


After we are born, we all ask that question sometime during our Lives.

Are we Alive just to “Survive”, Idly passing time until we get old and die?

If we make a lot of money, own many nice possessions, have a family,

Or anything else many would say is “our reason for life,”

When we prepare to die, would we feel our life was important and worthwhile?

Or is there more to our Journey Through Life?

Most are “Asleep”, going through the motions, passing time,

Doing the many mundane things life offers until they die.

There are others, though, questioning if “There is Meaning” to life.

Beginning to sense, “Within,” an unrelenting message,

“Waking” them from their deep slumber.

They begin to “Awaken” to the possibility

We are born for a Reason: to Learn, Share, Help Others Selflessly,

Reevaluating Everything we once believed to be true,

Beginning our Journey Towards “Enlightenment.”

The choice which path in life we each take is Ours.

To “Sleep” through life or Begin to “Wake up”

By “Listening” quietly to the messages Within.

By doing this, the “Reason We Are Alive” will become obvious.


 58) The Alternative Is Unthinkable!


We live in an extremely egocentric dysfunctional world.

It will take a “Shift of Consciousness” to bring change.

If we do not begin to make this change Now,

Our little speck of light in the universe

Will soon cease to be able to support life.

“All” of us must help.

Once you wake up from your slumber,

It is important to share with others

The wisdom you gleaned

To Help our planet “Evolve”.

“The Alternative Is Unthinkable”.


 59) Unlimited Possibilities


I Am Asleep

When I Accept the world as it is

Believing there is nothing I can do to help others

Or change the many atrocities and inequalities

Affecting so many.

I begin to Wake (“Awaken”) from my slumber when I question my apathy.

I fully Wake Up (“Enlightenment”) when I open my eyes

Seeing the unlimited possibilities life has to offer,

Realizing there is much I can do to

Improve the future for everyone.


 60) Every Life is Equally Important


If we measure time from the beginning of the universe

Our Life passes like a grain of sand on a beach or a drop of water in an ocean.

To waste our insignificant life living in Fear, believing we are better than another,

“Accepting” the “Lies” we have been taught about Our Importance in the World,

Masks the purpose of Life.

We Each decide what our Journey Through Life will be.

To live a “Meaningful Life”, in the time we are alive,

Ignore everything you have been Taught and Accepted as genuine

About your Importance in the World.

Accepting you are Not that significant; Every life is equally “Important.”


 61) We Are One 


 Every Life is Valuable, Equal and Connected,

Linked together, having a Spirit/Soul/God Within,

Helping guide each of us with Love, Knowledge and Purpose.

“Always” show Respect, Helping each other Unconditionally,

Despite the many petty “Learned” differences

We are brought up to “Believe” are important.

“They Are Not”.

We are All Related, linked together by a Shared Intent

To Support each other, so we “All” may equally

Succeed, Flourish and Find Meaning in our Life.


 62) The Answers


The answers we seek must be “First”

Be found “Within”.

Only then may they be Shared Freely

And Selflessly with others.


 63) The Cause of Loneliness


How can someone, surrounded by people,

At home, work, on the streets

Be totally alone?

If all others see is the artificial facade we learned

To project when we were young children

Even those closest to us, our family,

May not be able to penetrate this barrier.

We therefore go through life completely alone,

Struggling every day, desperately trying to find

Friendships, Intimacy, and Love.

To break through the façade, open your heart,

Share your Love Within with others

Allowing your “Authentic” self to shine its Light,

Ending your loneliness and by doing so,

Bring Meaning, Companionship, and Love

To your life as well.


 64) Listen


All we must do to “Awaken”,

Become “Enlightened” and find Inner Peace and Happiness,

Is sit in a comfortable chair,

Close our eyes,

Quiet our mind and



 65) Imagine


Think how our words and actions may affect the lives

Of every person we interact with.

A single incident happening during a life

May have a profound effect on someone for the rest of their life.

Imagine what life could be like if we treated

Each other, all Life Forms, and the Earth

With the respect and caring we all desire for Ourselves.

Instead of Competition, there would be Cooperation.

Instead of living our lives in Fear, worrying only about Ourselves,

We would live our lives with Love and Compassion,

Worrying about Each Other.



 66) The Play


On the day we are going to die,

When the Ego finally surrenders its hold on our life,

We will understand our entire life was a Play.

It was all “Make-Believe”.

We acted our part so well we never knew it was not real.

Life is just an “Illusion”, where we all have our bit parts in the play.

If we follow the script, as we “Learned” to do

As we are growing up,

The answers we seek about life may elude us.

It is only when we act outside the boundaries of the script and “Awake”,

The answers we seek may finally reveal themselves.


 67) How to Find Meaning in Your Life?


The “Meaning of Life” may be found

By destroying the barriers we artificially erect,

From Learning, Believing and Accepting

All we were Taught during our life.

Inner Peace, Happiness and Meaning in Life

Will only be found by Unselfishly Sharing

The hidden Love, present Within every life,

With all others.


 68) Our Path Through Life


We each follow a different path through life.

Some paths are more challenging than others.

Our many encounters in life help form the person we become

And how we react to different situations and people,

As we interact with others we meet every day throughout our lives.

Due to our distinctive backgrounds, we each make different choices

When we are confronted with the many unique situations we encounter every day.

For some, our responses are “Socially” acceptable; for others they are Not.

Regardless, we each “Do the Best We Can.”

We do “Not” have the right to judge another.

We do Not know the many challenges they have faced in their lives.

All we may do is “Be there for them”, Sharing our Love

To try to ease their Burden and Journey Through Life.

By doing so, helping them see the world through

A prism of “Light” rather than “Darkness”,

Changing the course of their Life and the World.


 69) Sharing your “Light” with the World.


It is much easier to Accept the status quo,

Recognizing the many problems experienced by many

As inevitable, having little recourse to help others.

Look at the world today and throughout history

To see what Living in such a world is like.

It is a world of Fear, Hate, Prejudice, War, Hunger,

Homelessness, Climate Change, ad infinitum.

Every person Can change the world.

We each have, “Within” us, the Means to do so.

It begins by “Listening” quietly, “Accepting” the messages you “Hear”

Then Sharing your “Light” with the World.


 70) Is this the World We Want for our Children?


We live in a World of Malice and Division

Judging Others due their differences.

Race, Religion, Sex, Sexual Orientation, Wealth, Fame

Among many other distinctions, Divide rather than Unite us.

Those who are Poor, Old, Disabled, Homeless, Work Menial Jobs, Lack Education

Or any other Trait defining “Failure” by society

Are Treated as “Second Class” Citizens,

Unworthy of being Helped or Cared About.

Is this the World we wish for our Children?

If it is, nothing needs to be done.

We are doing an Excellent Job.

If, However, We Want More for our Children,

Leaving Them a World of “Hope”,

A world where we Help and Care about each other

Regardless of Any Differences among Us,

Change Must begin “Now.”

It is up to Each One of Us to Usher in this Change

Before it is too Late.


 71) Sit Quietly and “Listen”


Who/What is God?

Religions throughout time have depicted God many ways.

Though Religion may have had good intentions when it began,

It quickly deteriorated into defining God using “Learned” words and practices.

Doing this, Religion ended up Dividing us, rather than Uniting us

As it was first meant to do.

There is another definition of God, however, that must be considered.

God/Spirit/Soul, it does Not matter what it is called,

Is an Ethereal “Spiritual” entity “Within” every life,

Accompanying each being in its Journey Through Life.

To understand the “Meaning of Life”, sit Quietly and “Listen”.


 72) I Am in Pain


There is no need to list all the challenges and Man-Made tragedies

Existing in the world today and throughout our reign on Earth.

I Am in Pain, knowing the numerous struggles so many have,

As they strive to survive every day,

In a deteriorating world on the verge of Extinction.

I Am in Pain looking at the anguished faces of Mothers, Children and Others

Struggling in an “Illusionary” world whose priorities favor the Strong, Mean

And Self-Centered, rather than the Needs of “Everyone”.

The need to prove our superiority, not only to other species,

But to Each Other as well, proving “We” are better

Then another, is the cause of my Pain.

When we “Awaken”, we begin to question

If the egocentric path we have been following in life is right.

We become “Enlightened” when we “Accept” it is Not,

Realizing it is the cause of the Pain so many experience throughout the world.

We can change this dynamic “Only” by totally rejecting

The path our species has pursued from its inception,

Accepting and Sharing instead

The Peaceful Selfless Loving Path of the Spirit Within.


 73) We Are Each Other’s Teachers


Every person we meet, regardless how brief, affects our life.

A small part of their Spirit, their Essence, remains with us

Changing, if only slightly, the direction our life will take.

Each one of us, therefore, can “Change the World”

By Sharing our “Authentic Self” with others.

We Are Each Other’s Teachers.

Let us, therefore, make certain the messages we Share

Are Positive, benefiting “Everyone’s” Journey Through Life,

Helping each other Selflessly,

Leaving the world for our Children better

Then when we first began our journey.


 74) A Smile and a Kind Word


Each of us can affect the life of another, even briefly.

Treating others with a Smile and sincere Kindness,

Not influenced by wanting something in return,

Can alter the direction of not only one life, but the world.

This kind-hearted gesture “Awakens” in others,

An inherent memory present “Within” every life.

A memory we all once knew before we were exposed

To chaos in the world, before we were “Socialized”

To Accept the many untruth’s we were “Taught”

And “Believed” to be True after we were born.

If enough people begin to Share a Smile and Kind Word Selflessly,

Perhaps the newly “Awakened” person we first encountered

Will share this gesture with others, continuing ad infinitum.

To change the world, perhaps we can start

Simply being “Nice” to each other,

By Sharing a Smile and a Kind Word.


 75) We are All “Ohana”.


Ohana means family in the Hawaiian language.

Here, family not only includes close relatives,

But also, friends, neighbors, and others (strangers) “Helping each other Selflessly”.

Imagine living in a world of Ohana,

One where Everyone Supported and Cared about each other in times of need.

It is possible to live in such a world.

To do so we must discard our “Learned Accepted” beliefs of family,

Instead, Embracing and Helping Each other

Regardless of Any differences, with Open Arms and Unconditional Love.

To Change the paradigm of life, to improve the world for our Children,

Leaving them a planet where they can thrive, find happiness and meaning,

We must recognize we are All “Ohana”.

Only by Unselfishly Helping Each Other will we All “Succeed”.

And by doing so, discover the true “Meaning of Life”.


 76) Will Life on Earth be Missed Once it is Gone?


There are 100 billion galaxies in the known universe,

Each one containing billions upon billions of stars.

Each one of those stars may have multiple planets

In orbit around them.

There, therefore, are trillions of planets in the universe.

Will life on earth be missed once it is gone?


Life will continue undeterred elsewhere in the universe.

Our destruction, all but assured, if we continue following the egoistic path

We have always pursued will barely cause a tiny ripple in space.

There is very little time left to change this preordained future.

Only be Embracing each other, helping cure the world of its many

Man-made destructive ways, will life on Earth and the Earth itself heal,

Allowing our children a chance to meet and join

The many other sentient forms of life present throughout the galaxies.


 77) A Successful Life


Success is Not prestige, wealth, or anything else

Associated with the Ego or the outside world.

Success may only be found

By freeing your Spirit “Within”,

Then sharing its Unconditional Love,

Your “Light”, with all others.


 78) Finding Happiness


We All wish to instill positive values in our children.

When our child is first born, we are Hopeful and Idealistic.

Caring, Being Respectful, Empathetic, Concerned for Others,

Accepting the importance of every life,

Are just a few of the positive Beliefs we encourage our children

To Learn when they are young.

How we raise our children, especially when they are very young,

As they are Socialized, “Taught” and “Learn” how to survive in the world,

Often determines if they will find “Happiness” during their life.

If our children are “Taught” to Accept the Beliefs in the world,

Being concerned primarily for what is Best for Themselves,

Rather than the Positive values we first hoped they would learn

When they were first born,

Though they may be “Successful”, become famous,

Wealthy, have many material possessions,

Are they truly “Happy”?

If, however, we raise our children to

Genuinely Accept and Embrace the values

We had hoped to share with them when they were young,

When they were first born, and we were still “Idealistic”,

Perhaps they will not need to struggle to find Happiness,

Inherently “Understanding” Happiness

Does not come from “Anything” found in the world.

It only may be found “Within”,

By Sharing the positive values our parents once hoped

We would Embrace when we were first born.


 79) The Lesson We Are Here to Learn


When we die, the many challenges life had presented us end

As our physical body and Ego cease to exist.

Everything we accumulated during our lifetime

Will not accompany us, as we are “laid to rest”.

It no longer will matter if you lived a “Successful” life,

Were wealthy, famous, had a prestigious job,

The color of your skin, male or female, gay or straight

Or any other comparison that can be made.

When we die, all that is left is an empty shell once housing our Spirit/Soul.

Spirit is eternal, accompanying each of us, on our Journey Through Life.

You “Awaken” when you begin to question

If everything you Learned while you were alive (Ego) is True.

You become “Enlightened” when you “Accept” NONE of it was.

“Selflessly Embracing” the Spirit’s message while we are alive

Is the reason we are born, “The Meaning of Life”.

Do not wait until you approach death to finally understand

The lesson we are here to Learn and

The Spiritual path we are meant to follow.

Let us use our time alive “Wisely”,

“Accepting” and “Unconditionally Sharing” the positive Loving values of the Spirit.

With this Embrace, will come Inner Peace

Knowing your life has been Meaningful and

Your Journey Through Life “Successful”.


 80) Every Life is Important, Equal and Connected


Inequality is frequently determined by where you are born,

If your family is rich or poor, the color of your skin, male or female,

Your sexual preference, religious beliefs, job, appearance, education,

Or any of the many other comparisons differentiating us from each other.

Often, wanting to “Feel” Superior and more “Successful” than others

We treat and talk to others with “Disrespect” due to their differences,

Making us “Feel” we are Better than they are.

This is the cause of “All” man-made problems experienced throughout time.

If you believe this “Illusion”, continue following the same path

Pursued throughout millennia, “Nothing Will Change”.

Wars, Hunger, Homelessness, Climate Change, Fear, Hate, Prejudice

And all the many other challenges experienced by so many

Will continue Unabated.

A radical change in Thinking and Actions is needed to alter this dynamic.

This transformation can only happen when there is

A Darwinian “Spiritual Evolution” of our planet.

One where we “Acknowledge” we “Never” have been Better or Superior to another,

Helping All Others, Treating Each other with “Respect”,

Accepting “Every” Life is Important, Equal and Connected.


 81) The Facade


 The Facade disguises the “Real” person,

Hidden in plain sight, hiding behind a Mask,

The Ego “Taught” us wear, to “Protect” us

When we were children, not only from everyone else,

But from ourselves as well.

We only begin to Experience life

After the Mask, the outer shell of pretense,

Is stripped away, leaving our “Authentic” Self

To share our Love with all others.


 82) Do No Harm


With Every decision we make during our life,

Our “Primary” guiding principle should be “Do No Harm”.

Whether that harm is physical, emotional, verbal, financial

Or in any other manner, it does Not matter.

Every person, every form of life, deserves to be treated

With Respect and Empathy,

Always Considering what your behaviors, words and actions might bring.

Be Thoughtful therefore “Before” you Act or Speak.

Our actions may Help others, though they may also cause great “Pain”.

Let us All help bring change to the world

By adopting this one simple principle

And teaching it to our children,

And doing so, help make

The world a more loving, caring home for them to live in.


 83) Fear vs Love (Ego vs Spirit)


As we were growing up, we were “Taught” how to act,

What to Believe and how to Survive in the world.

If we accepted what we had Learned, as the great majority of the world has,

We were Taught to be primarily concerned about Ourselves,

“Our” happiness and Our survival in the world.

We were told if we made a lot of money, we will be successful and happy.

By accepting this Learned view of the world,

We also Learned to live our lives in “Fear”.

And with Fear, comes many other negative emotions seen

Throughout our very polarized world.

Imagine, instead, growing up where there was concern for “Everyone”,

Rather than for only Ourselves.

Success and happiness would only happen if “Everyone” succeeded in life.

By accepting this Inherent view of the world, we would live our lives with “Love”.

The love I am talking about is not what we learn or read about,

“Conditional” love, which is given with the expectation we will get love back.

Rather, this “Unconditional” love comes from within

And is given without reservation.

For our children and the world to flourish,

We must reverse the paradigm of life and

Choose “Love” over “Fear” (Spirit over Ego).


 84) Living a Successful Life


Is “Success” living to old age, making a lot of money, having a prestigious job,

A family, big house and being able to do the best things life has to offer?

How many people have accepted this “Egocentric” definition of success?

How many wealthy people, who have “Everything”, are miserable and in pain?

How many of us feel the same way, as we struggle, every day, through life?

There is another definition of success though, one much less recognized.

Success involves Sharing the inherent “Unconditional Love”

(Love given without expectation of receiving anything in return),

Selflessly With all Others.

Instead of wanting only “Success” for ourselves, we want it for “Everyone”.

The former definition for success leads to many challenges in life.

The latter leads to True Happiness, Inner Peace

And to having led a Meaningful “Successful” Life.


  85) When We Die


Does anyone really know, with certainty, what happens When We Die?

There are many theories, often based on “Learned” religious beliefs,

Yet we will not truly find out until our death.

Much of our lives center around

Our “Uncertainty” of what will happen that day.

We therefore live our lives in “Fear”

Hoping to be able to live an “Exciting” Life,

Focusing on “Our” Success in the World, Material Possessions,

Wealth, and other things, allowing “Us” to experience the “Best” in life

Before we die.

Looking at our declining world, Now and Throughout time,

With problems too numerous to mention,

We have always and continue to live life being Fearful.

Is this the World we wish for?

Perhaps it is time to change our idea of “Success”.

By Living our lives Caring and Helping Others,

With Compassion, Empathy, and Concern for “Everyone”,

With “Love” rather than “Fear”.

Living our life with Love,

If we do this, When We Die,

Perhaps we will find our lives have

Truly been Meaningful and Worthwhile.


 86) I Have a Dream


I Have a Dream of a World where Love, freely Shared with others,

Is the main emotion we feel, and Consideration for the

Importance of every life is equally considered.

It is a world where there is No hunger, homelessness, or climate change.

No fear, hatred, or prejudice.

A world where none of the many problems or negative emotions

Defining our existence throughout time are present.

It is a world we share our resources and love selflessly

Eliminating these scourges from our planet.

Our world is at a “Precipice”.

To achieve such a dream, make it a reality,

We “All” Must decide to embrace Love over Fear,

Hope over Despair and Selflessness (Spirit) over Selfishness (Ego).

We can each decide Today to make this change.

By doing so, we can change the direction of our world forever.

You may Not believe such a dream can come true,

But I assure you it Can.

We can accomplish this “Now”.

All we lack is the Will, Belief and Desire to do so.


 87) Colors


When you look at the world

Are the colors you see crisp and clear,

Unimpeded by the many different hues

Altering the pure natural colors seen on a perfect day?

Most view the world, seeing a variety of hues.

Some days everything appears hazy,

Blurred by stress, anxiety, depression, and confusion.

Other days, we see a world that is vibrant and transparent.

To see clarity, to see the pure unobstructed colors of the world,

To truly appreciate life,

Share your Love and Kindness,

By genuinely caring about all others.


88) Memories


Good Memories enrich our lives of wonderful times gone by.

They often bring a smile on our face as we

Remember the past when life was fun, and we were happy.

There are also Bad Memories as well though,

Haunting our dreams and actions, often happening

When something triggers a past event.

These Memories remind us of the many challenges we faced

As we struggled to survive and endure in an often-uncaring world.

These memories were both formed living in a world of uncertainty

And though the good memories may bring us happiness temporarily,

This happiness does not last, as the many daily struggles

We experience every day engulf us once more in life’s daily challenges.

There is a third type of Memory though, often not considered.

This type of Memory is Inherent, present already

In each of our cells, in our DNA, when we are first born.

This Memory is found in “Every” Life throughout the universe,

Emanating from the Spirit Within.

Remembering and Sharing the Message

Of Unconditional Love residing within the Spirit,

Gives Each Life Meaning and is the Reason we are born.

Unlike the brief feelings we experience

With the other two types of Memories,

Embracing the Inherent Spiritual Memories Within

Will bring “Lasting” Joy and Insight to our lives.

Sharing these Memories “Without Reserve” with All others

Will also bring Inner Peace, Enduring Happiness, and a

True Understanding of the “Meaning of Life”.


 89) Which Truth Will We Teach Our Children?


As we are “Socializing” our Children, especially early in their lives,

It is important to Always be truthful and honest with them.

The question we each must ask ourselves is:

“What is the Truth”?

To simplify this discussion, assume there are only two types of truth.

The first type of truth teaches our Children to “Accept” the beliefs

Of the world as they are now and have been for millennia.

This truth emphasizes the individual, on what is Best for “Themselves,”

Accepting the idea of living in a world of competition and distrust,

Being concerned only for “Their” survival and happiness.

The other type of truth, however, has a very different view of life.

This truth emphasizes the collective, on what is Best for “Everyone,”

Accepting the idea of cooperation and trust, Selflessly Helping

Each other so Everyone may Succeed in their Journey Through Life.

Most of the problems seen in the world result from living in

An Egocentric world concerned only for what is best for “Ourselves”.

All previous generations “Eventually” have embraced this type of world.

It is a world of Fear, Hatred, Prejudice, Poverty, Homelessness,

Climate Change, Hunger, War, Cynicism, ad infinitum,

That will await our Children when they grow up.

We may only change this preordained future, by raising

The latest generation of children to be Selfless,

Unconditionally Sharing their Love Within with All others,

Assuring Everyone’s survival and success in life.

One truth will lead to Struggle, to maintaining the status quo.

The other truth will lead to “Enlightenment”.

The only question we each must ask ourselves is:

Which Truth Will We Teach Our Children?


 90) Spirituality – Finding the Answers We Seek


Many seek answers in the many different religions created by man,

Though will “Not” find them there.

These religions long ago lost their significance and

Meaning, as they adopted Man’s

Interpretation of right and wrong, good and evil,

And other man-made comparisons.

There is another path, however, for those seeking “Answers”.

Spirituality is the belief there is a small piece of God (a Spirit or Soul)

“Within” each life, and

Therefore “Every” life is Sacred,

Deserving to be treated with “Unconditional” Respect and Love.

Spirituality is Innate, existing Within Every Life.

With the “Acceptance” of Spirituality comes

Wisdom, Compassion, Kindness, and Love for “All” Life.

Embracing Spirituality, Will bring the Answers we seek as well as

Peace and Meaning to our lives.


 91) The Journey Towards Spirituality


The journey through life, towards Spirituality,

Is very difficult, long, and often lonely.

There are a lot of frustrations you will encounter

As you continue to live and deal

With others who remain Asleep.

Every one of us Can Change the World

Around us by Sharing our Love Selflessly.

Though the Journey is challenging, we must Not give up.

For at the end of the Spiritual path lies Meaning, Inner Peace

And a true Understanding about Life’s Purpose.


 92) The Mask


 We learn, often when we are young children,

How to hide our true emotions

Behind a protective “Mask” we “All” wear,

Becoming very adept at hiding almost all our feelings

From Others and, often, even from “Ourselves”.

Masks help us survive in the world and allow our responses

To different situations be socially acceptable.

It is not easy to continually wear a Mask.

The larger the Mask and the more of our face it covers,

The greater the problems we will have in our life and

The more Stress and Anxiety we will experience and feel.

We must all strive to rip off the Mask

Preventing us from reaching our full potential.

By doing so, allowing us to

Finally “Embrace & Experience Life”

As it was meant to be.


 93) Reflections at the Twilight of Life 


My body has become frail.

I am unable to do the things I used to do.

I now spend most of my time remembering my life,

And reflecting about life in general.

When I look at the world, I wonder why?

Why is there war, indiscriminate killing, starvation, hunger,

Homelessness, prejudice, hate, fear, climate change, inequality,

And daily struggles for so many that seem to never end?

Why are some people who are “Successful” in life,

Have a prestigious job, wealth, and many material possessions,

Unable to find inner peace, happiness, or meaning in their lives?

And others, who appear to have very little,

Are truly happy, and able to experience genuine inner peace?

Sitting on my porch, after much contemplation,

I believe I finally can answer this question.

Those who look to the world and others for their Happiness,

Meaning, and Success, who are primarily concerned for only their well-being,

Struggle “Within” to find these things.

They also contribute to many of the problems

Experienced living in a self-centered uncaring world.

Those, however, who are brought up with Love,

Having respect and equal concern for every life

Will help eradicate many of the man-made problems above

Allowing not only their but all other lives to flourish

And have Meaning as well.


  94) Our Journey Through Life


 The Journey Through Life is often Long, Difficult and

At times Lonely, though can be very rewarding as well.

We each choose our direction through life,

Following either the Learned path

Or deciding to pursue the Spiritual Path instead.

“Accepting” all we are Taught and Believed is true,

Abiding by the status quo,

Fearful of challenging the dictates of society,

Leads to a life riddled with doubt, anxiety, and mediocrity.

The Journey Through Life, however, is Not predestined.

We may instead choose to venture off the “Accepted” path in life

Detouring “Inward”, merging with our Spiritual Higher Self,

Leading to Love, Inner Peace, and a genuine Understanding

Of the true “Meaning of Life”.


 95) What is Important in Life?


 The time you have left as you approach death

Is an interesting time in your life.

Many things, once appearing to be important, no longer are.

You begin to realize life really is not complicated or complex.

Rather, it is quite simple.

The money, material possessions, job you had, and

Almost everything else you once thought defined

What a “Successful” life is, no longer matter.

Nothing will accompany you when you die.

You finally realize none of those things are important,

“Or Ever Were”.

Don’t wait until the end of your life to decide

What is truly important.

Live each day as if it was your last.

To discover what is Important,

Close your eyes, relax your mind and body, and

“Listen” to the quiet voice “Within.”

Follow the suggestions you “Hear” (From your Spirit),

Accepting its advice whole-heartedly,

Living the rest of your life Selflessly helping others

In “Their” journey through life.

By doing so, when you near death,

You will have no regrets by having led a Meaningful life,

One full of True Love, Inner Peace and Happiness.


 96) How to Raise a Happy Child


Bring up children to believe in the goodness of life,

To share Selflessly, Foster Respect and

Love for all others,

Regardless of any perceived learned differences

We are taught and accept as true.

Teach our children to find their path and Happiness in life,

Not in the world, but from their Spirit “Within”.

Then to share that Love Unselfishly

With all others.


 97) In the Blink of an Eye


Life is quite unpredictable. One moment,

Everything is going well, you are “Successful”,

Reaping the rewards earned by “Doing Everything Right”.

This may all change, though, “In the Blink of an Eye”.

A sudden death, accident, loss of a job, divorce,

War, Famine, Disease, Effects of Climate Change,

Or any number of other life-changing events

May change the rest of your life forever.

We live in a world where this loss may be catastrophic.

To survive, we each must struggle, often mostly alone,

To survive and find our bearings once more.

Life does “Not” have to be like this.

We have only chosen to “Accept” the Values, Beliefs

And Results we Learned of living in an Egocentric world.

There is another solution though if anything happens

To disrupt your or someone’s else’s life,

Even a stranger you may not know,

Someone who may look different

Or have disparate beliefs than you have.

We can “Help” them, in their time of need,

Without expectation of receiving any reward,

Simply because they are fellow travelers,

On a similar Journey Through Life as ours.

The only thing stopping us from living in such

An Altruistic World is our Belief and “Acceptance”

We are better, more deserving than everyone else.

“We Are Not”.

Every life is Equally Important.

To truly Change the World, we each must rise up,

Rejecting our Learned beliefs, Embracing instead

The Selfless Spiritual Beliefs Within each of us, within every life.

Together, as one, we may succeed.

Apart, only failure and continuation of the

Unforgiving status quo will continue.

My message is Urgent. There is No more time to waste.

For if we do Nothing, the future for our children

And for the world appears quite bleak.


 98) Our Real Emotions


The Ego or Self may give us the “Illusion” of Love and Happiness,

Though these feelings are false.

All “Learned” emotions are a Mirage.

Though they may seem real, “They Are Not”.

The emotions associated with a truly “Happy” Meaningful Life

Come from the Spirit (our Higher Self).

Open your Heart, Freely Share your Love and Happiness

From “Within” with all others Unselfishly

To truly experience what these and all other

Positive emotions are Genuinely meant to feel like.


 99) Who Am I?


Am I the person you see, hear, touch or

I am I something else?

Am I the many roles I have been assigned by society?

A Father, Husband, Son, Daughter, Janitor, President,

Male, Female, White, Black, Asian, Gay, Straight or

Any of the many other designations we are Defined as

By society as we Accept these choices

We Learned to be true and have been given.

Perhaps I am more than this.

I Am Spirit, as Every life is.

Our body is just a shell housing who we “Truly Are”.

We are the same, equally experiencing life.

Our appearance, job, education, race, religion, fame, wealth

Or any other apparent difference between us means little.

Who Am I?

I Am You and We All Are One.


 100) To change the world, it is important to begin with our children.

Teaching them to live their lives with Love rather than Hate,

Curiosity rather than Fear, Acceptance rather than Prejudice,

Selflessness rather than Selfishness.

If the next generation of children are brought up this way,

Then perhaps it will not be too late

To change our destiny and our future.