The Three Stages of Enlightenment
The First Stage of Enlightenment –
Being Asleep
The first stage of Enlightenment
Begins when we are born,
As we are socialized and
Taught what to believe,
As we are exposed to and
Accept the mores of the
Society we are born into.
With our birth, our identity is
Often already pre-determined.
The color of our skin, country
We are born into, religion,
And many other man-made
Comparisons often dictate
Our future in the world.
We believe these comparisons
Are true by observing others,
Reading about them in books
And newspapers and by
Watching tv and movies.
Most people believe and
Internalize these differences,
Further proving to themselves
They are better, more
Important than another.
Those who accept and believe
What they were taught is true,
Despite their success in life,
Remain asleep, destined to
Live a life of mediocrity,
Believing their happiness
And meaning will come
From the world.
It will not.
The Second Stage of Enlightenment – Awakening
Those who Awaken begin
To question if everything we
Learned and accepted to be
Real in life, as we were
Growing up, was true.
A feeling begins to flourish
Within, no longer able to
Be ignored, questioning the
Validity of everything
We once believed.
Though we may be leading
A successful life, be wealthy,
Famous, or any other learned
Comparison as to what success is,
It no longer quells the uneasy
Feelings we experience coming
From deep within us.
The anguish we feel emanates
From our Spirit, present
Within every life.
Some may call the
Spirit God/Soul/Essence
Or assign it another name.
It does not matter.
It represents our guide through
Life gives our life meaning.
We Awaken when we first
Sense something is wrong,
Begin to question if what
We learned and accepted was
True may not have been,
Beginning us on a journey we
Have no choice but to pursue.
A journey toward Enlightenment.
The Third Stage of Enlightenment – Enlightenment
Enlightenment happens when
We finally accept everything we
Learned and believed to
Be true was not.
Despite our appearance, wealth,
Job, material possessions, or any
Other comparison we were taught
Differentiates us from each other,
We now realize we are not better or
More important than anyone else.
We begin to hear our Spirit within,
Embracing its message by sharing our
Love unconditionally with all others.
Though what we learned when we
Were young will remain with us, its
Influence on our life is now minimal.
Instead of competing, we
Now wish to cooperate.
Instead of living in fear,
We now seek to live
Our life with love.
And instead of desiring only
What is best for ourselves, we
Now wish to selflessly help others,
To ease their journey through life.
With this change and acceptance
Of the Spirit’s message, we
Move further along the path
Toward Enlightenment.
-Ken Luball-