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by Ken Luball ~ Spiritual ~ Author ~ Seeker ~ Guide ~
Website: http://kenluball.com
1 – The Mountain Top
Surrounded by towering white
Covered peaks, the snow
Begins to melt in spring.
Its water flows, rippling past
Rocks downhill in streams,
Sustaining the many
Forest inhabitants.
To reach the mountain
Summit, an arduous climb
Is required; sheer rock
Cliffs, high winds, freezing
Temperatures, present themselves
As the mountain top is near.
We begin our lives on top of
The mountain with spectacular
Views of the world below (Spirit).
As we are taught about life
Though, and what is expected
Of us, our view begins to
Diminish; we begin to
Descend the mountain as
We accept the truth of what
We learned growing up (Ego).
By the time we reach the
Base of the mountain, accepting
All of society’s self-centered
Viewpoints (Asleep), we have
Forgotten what the beautiful scenic
View on the peak looked like.
We may only begin to reclimb the
Mountain (Awake) when we
Begin to question if what we
Had learned and accepted
During our lives was true.
Once we realize and acknowledge
Little of it was, we may once again
Be able to reach the summit,
And appreciate the beautiful
Views of the world below, as
We were always meant to do.
2 – The Sword and the Shield
We are born free,
Though as we are
Exposed to the world
And its beliefs, we each
Acquire a sword and a
Shield to protect us from
Life’s injustices (Ego).
Our shield deflects
Injurious rage, preventing
Others words and deeds
From hurting us.
Our sword is our
Response, as its sharp
Blade attempts to penetrate
Another’s defenses.
These self-centered tools
Prevent us from ever
Discovering genuine
Love and meaning
In our lives (Asleep).
Only by yielding, putting
Down our instruments
Of conflict (Awaken),
Will our true purpose
In life become
With this surrender,
Though our learned
Beliefs will remain, they
Will no longer direct
Our actions.
Rather, our Spirit (God)
Present within each life,
Free from its confines
Behind our sword and
Shield, will now be
Permitted to reveal
Our true destiny
3 – Our Sixth Sense
Most people imagine and
Live their entire lives
Believing there are only
Five senses: hearing, touch,
Sight, taste, and smell.
Those who do, though
They may have led a good
Life and been successful,
Have neglected the most
Important sense, our sixth
Sense: the Spirit.
Also known as Soul, God,
Our Higher-Self, it opens
Life (Awakens) to a whole
New dimension of thought,
Beliefs, and understanding.
Our sixth sense permits us
To find genuine meaning
In our lives by allowing us
To discover and selflessly
Share our loving core
Present within every life.
Doing so is the reason we
Are born, the true meaning
Of our life’s journey
4 – The Comfort of Silence
When we see a wrong,
Do or say nothing, we
Are contributing to the
Decline of our world.
Many have different
Opinions as to what is
Considered wrong.
Spiritually, morally,
And ethically, wrong is
Doing anything to harm
Another in any way.
It matters not if the injury is
Physical, verbal, or ignoring
The many human offenses
We inflict on each other.
War, hunger, homelessness.
Prejudice, inequity, hate.
These and many more human
Transgressions are caused
By our comfort of Silence,
Fearful of saying something
To upset the status quo (Ego).
We must be silent
No more (Awaken).
Every indiscretion must
Be met and challenged
With resistance, speaking
Up loudly in defense
Of those being harmed.
If we see anything we
Would not wish to happen
To us or those we are
Closest to, that is the
Measure to be
Silent no more.
5 – Our Second Act
There may come a time in
Our lives when we begin
To reevaluate everything we
Once believed important.
Despite living a successful life,
Having family, prestige, money,
Material possessions, a sense
Begins to emerge making us
Question if there is more to
Life than what we were
Taught and achieved.
We Awaken.
Often, this moment presents
An opportunity for our second
Act in life to begin, as we
Reevaluate our job,
Relationships, beliefs,
And everything else we
Once believed to be true.
This feeling comes from our
Spirit within and may cause our
Lives to unravel as we begin to
Question all our choices in life.
Once we Awaken, we may
Never fall back Asleep.
We begin to view the world
Differently; one where we
Realize our definition of
Success was distorted.
Money, prestige, family,
No longer dominate our
Self-centered view
Of the world (Ego).
Our second act in life begins
When we understand selflessly
Helping others also find
Success in the world is the
Genuine reason for our
Life’s journey
6 – The Baker
I woke up at 3 a.m. every
Day for the past 45 years
To prepare and bake cakes,
Bread, and other delicious
Pastries to sell in my bakery.
I am now in the twilight of life.
Where have all the years gone?
As I sit on my porch, I begin
To understand I spent those
Years working, buying
Things to make my life
Easier, paying bills (Asleep).
Is this all there is to life?
If you answer yes, then,
Like me, our lives have
Not been fully lived.
We simply went through
The motions, doing everything
We were taught to live
A successful life (Ego).
It is only now, as death
Nears, I finally understand
There is so much more I
Was supposed to accomplish.
I never genuinely knew love,
Inner peace, or happiness.
Though I thought I did, had
A family, traveled, did fun
Things, these emotions
Eluded me as I only
Experienced them
Though it is too late for
Me, I now realize these
Genuine emotions have
Always been part of
Me (Spirit).
All I had to do to
Experience them was
Open my heart, then
Selflessly share them
With others.
Perhaps if I had done
This, spent less time
Burying my head in
The oven the pastries
Were baked in, I
Would have realized
Sooner (Awoken), there
Was so much more to life
Than just doing what
I had been told.
7 – The Storm
The darkening clouds
Above threaten the
Peaceful earth below.
As the first drops of
Rain begin to fall,
Many race for shelter
To avoid being
Caught in its wake.
As the deluge increases,
The howling wind intensifies
The storms ferocity.
Many barely notice the
Weather, safe, comfortable
In their abode (Asleep).
There are others though,
The discarded, the
Untouchables, ignored
By society due to
Poverty or their life
Situation (Ego), who
Become drenched
From the unrelenting
Wind and rain,
Having no shelter to
Protect them from
The elements.
An Enlightened society
Would not allow anyone
To stand alone in
The storm.
Rather, they would
Provide refuge to protect
Everyone, regardless of
Our differences or their
Circumstances in life.
To truly change the
World (Awaken), we
Must selflessly embrace the
Outcasts, the discarded
(Spirit), allowing them to
Find protection from
The storm as well
8 – A Long and Winding Road
There are many turns,
Curves, and detours we
Encounter on our
Journey through life.
The final destination
Though, is the same:
The reunification with
Our Spirit (God/Soul),
Present within every life.
How we get there is
Influenced by our
Experiences and
Acceptance of what we
Were taught and consider
To be the truth (Ego).
The more we believe
Our self-centered views
Are genuine (Asleep),
The sharper the turns in
The road will be, making
Our journey longer,
More challenging.
For those who start
To question these truths
(Awaken), beginning to
Sense a presence within
(Spirit), the turns and
Detours in the road
Lessen; its end may
Now become visible.
Though few will reach
The end of the road
It is the journey
Getting there that is
Life’s true purpose.
9 – What is the Purpose of the Spirit?
The Spirit is an ethereal
Entity accompanying
Every life, present to
Share its inherent wisdom
And unconditional love
To allow our lives to have
Genuine meaning and purpose.
The Spirit may be considered
To be our Higher-Self,
A piece of God.
It often is in competition
With the Self (Ego),
Our learned beliefs.
Without the Spirit, without
Striving to become one
With our Higher-Self
(Awaken), all
That is left are our
Experiences and survival
Techniques learned since
We were born (Ego).
Meaning found in a
Self-centered world
Is an illusion (Asleep).
It may only be discovered
By accepting and selflessly
Sharing the wisdom and
Pure loving messages
Of the Spirit within
10 – The Door
Imagine a hill with a
Door on the top.
On one side of the hill,
At its base (Asleep), are our
Self-centered beliefs (Ego).
When we are here, the hill is
Very steep and difficult to climb.
As our Spirit, the source of
Divine wisdom and intuition
Within us, becomes a little
Stronger, and we begin to
Awaken, the incline of the
Hill appears less severe;
We may begin to ascend it
In an effort to approach
The door on the top.
We know if we can reach
The door and go through it, we
Will find Enlightenment on
The other side, becoming one
With our Higher-Self (Spirit).
Though, at times, we may
Briefly pass through the door,
The stress and anxieties of
Life soon return, and we find
Ourselves being dragged back
Through the door once more,
Falling back down the hill.
Only by fully embracing the
Wisdom and unconditional
Loving messages of our
Spirit within, then selflessly
Sharing them with others,
May we remain on the other
Side of the door, and in
Doing so, realize our
True purpose in life
11 – Chi (Qi)
Every life has two forms.
The physical form is the
Body, mortal, beginning at
Conception, ending with death.
There is also Essence
Present within every life.
The Essence is immortal,
Joining each life in the
Beginning and returning to
A higher vibrational level
When the body dies.
Though these appear to be
Separate, chi is the bridge
Connecting them together.
Both will exist, influencing
Us throughout our brief life.
When our physical form,
With its emotions, thoughts,
And beliefs dominate (Ego),
Our chi is weakened, often
Resulting in stress,
Hardship, and anxiety.
When our Essence
However, dominates,
Our future brightens.
To embrace the power,
The energy of our Chi,
Accept the Spiritual path
Through life, unleashing the
Force of our Spirit’s inherent
Wisdom and unconditional
Love, allowing us to begin
A journey (Awaken) to
Discover our life’s
Genuine purpose
12 – The Messages Within
We need not travel,
Amass material possessions,
Have a lot of money, or
Anything else that may be
Found in the world to find
Genuine happiness, meaning,
Love, and inner peace.
Though many endlessly
Search for these in a
Self-centered world (Ego),
They may not be found there.
To discover where they
Truly exist, sit in a
Comfortable chair, silence
Your mind, listen to the
Quiet messages in
Between your racing
Thoughts (Spirit),
Then selflessly share
The wisdom and
Love you sense
With the world
13 – Religious Divisions
Easter, Passover, Ramadan.
Christian, Jewish, Muslim.
These are but three of many
Religions dividing, rather
Than uniting the world.
The differences have led to
Prejudice, wars, indifference
To the struggles of those
Who believe differently.
Though each may have
Differing views on God,
The underlying message
They voice has been lost.
It is a message of unselfishly
Helping and loving others
(Spirit), guaranteeing the
Right of everyone to
Be safe, have food to eat,
A home to live in, a planet
That will not be destroyed
By greed and apathy.
It is treating every person,
Regardless of our beliefs,
And all forms of life,
With the same respect
We wish for ourselves.
Perhaps it is time to put
Our self-centered (Ego)
Learned religious beliefs
Aside, embracing instead
The initial Spiritual messages
Jesus, Moses, and Mohammed,
Had originally intended
For us to adopt.
A message of unconditional
Love, selflessly shared with
Others, for the benefit of all
14 – The Barrier to Enlightenment
When we are Awakened,
We realize more than just
The Self (Ego) is present
And influencing us.
We begin to understand
The Spirit exists as well.
What prevents an
Awakened person from
Reaching Enlightenment
Is this knowledge is
Not fully accepted.
There is still a belief,
Fostered by the Self, that
Meaning, happiness, and
Inner peace may be found
In a self-centered world;
It cannot.
It must first be
Discovered within (Spirit),
Then it must be shared
Without motive or benefit,
With all others.
15 – Our Higher-Self
The reason we are born,
What our Higher-Self
(Spirit) represents, is
A return to the
Inherent knowledge
And unconditional love
Present within every
Life before our birth,
Unimpeded by the
Distraction’s life
Presents us (Ego).
Our Spirit teaches us
To be selfless, loving,
Compassionate to everyone,
Regardless of our differences.
It lets us know every life
Is equally important, and
Only by helping each
Other unselfishly will
The struggles we may
Have after we are born
Lessen, and the genuine
Meaning of our life’s
Journey be understood
16 – Every Life is Meaningful
With Enlightenment, the
Disguises others wear
Fade away.
The negativity of life
Wanes, seeing the best
In others (Spirit), rather
Than only their flaws (Ego).
The desire to improve the
World by helping others
Is overwhelming.
With this understanding
We realize every life is
Intimately connected by
A Spirit, a piece of God
Within, and each life therefore,
Regardless of our differences,
Has purpose and meaning.
When we are first
Born, we know only
Unconditional love (Spirit).
None of the harsh realities of
The self-centered world (Ego)
Have yet distorted our pure
Hopeful vision of life.
With our socialization into
The world though, we will
Never return to the
Innocence we once
Knew before our birth.
The irony of life is we
May then spend the rest
Of our lives undoing the
Damage done during our
Earliest years when
Our views, beliefs,
Prejudices, and opinions
Of the world are formed,
Trying desperately to
Return to the loving,
Peaceful moment we
Once knew before
We were first born
18 – The Divide
Our world is endlessly
Divided into castes.
Religion, ethnicity, race,
Wealth, are just a few of
The many divisions in a
Self-centered world
Too obsessed to
Notice or care (Ego).
These division are used
To justify the superiority
Of some over others.
They are also the primary
Cause of war, prejudice,
Inequity, and many of
Humanity’s other problems.
In spirituality there
Are no castes.
Every life, though
Different in appearance,
Beliefs, genus, is equally
Valuable, deserving to
Be treated with respect
And unconditional
Love (Spirit).
Only when this is
Recognized and
Accepted (Awaken),
May the spiritual
Evolution of our
Planet finally begin.
19 – The Reflection Pond
Look at yourself as you
Gaze into a calm pool
Of water; peer deeply
Into your eyes.
Beyond the pretense, the
Façade (Ego) we present
To the world, a sentient
Being may be seen (Spirit).
Its purpose is to share its
Inherent knowledge and
Unconditional love with
Us, allowing our life to
Be led with true purpose
And meaning.
Only when we selflessly
Share this part of ourselves
With others, will the
Genuine reason for our
Presence be truly
From the moment we are
Born, with our first breath,
Everything changes.
At that very instant, the
Ego, our self-centered
Beliefs, is created.
Everything we see
And are exposed to
Throughout our life
Will help strengthen
The Ego.
Accepting what we are
Taught will be the cause
Of many challenges we
May face and in allowing
Us to find true
Meaning in our life.
We are born Enlightened,
With the inherent knowledge
And unconditional love
Of the Spirit, a piece
Of God within.
It is not until we are
Socialized to accept the
Mores of society, we
Forget our true
Purpose (Asleep).
Everything we have
Learned from our birth
Are obstacles, encouraged
By the Ego, to detour us
From the genuine path
Through life we are meant
To follow: the spiritual path.
With this understanding, we
Awaken, beginning us on
An unending journey
Toward Enlightenment.
21 – When the Wind Blows
The wind may be calm,
Gently blowing the leaves
Of trees, as they majestically
Sway in the soothing breeze.
It also may be fierce, causing
Enormous damage as storms
Emerge across our planet.
Just as the wind gusts, we
Often have moments in life
Affecting how intense our
Stress and emotions are.
In times of balance,
We are steady.
There are periods in our
Lives, however, our
Reactions may be extreme.
When these occur, no longer
In control, we may act
Out, harming others
With our words,
Actions, or deeds (Ego).
To calm the winds, we must
Begin to understand there
Is another force active in
Our life besides the wind;
It is the Spirit, a piece
Of God present within
Every life.
With this realization,
We Awaken.
With the acceptance and
Guidance of our Spirit’s
Inherent wisdom and
Unconditional loving
Beliefs, the wind calms,
Enabling us to journey
Further in our quest to
Discover our genuine
Purpose in life
22 – I Am Human
There are those who believe
The lives of human beings
Are more important than
Other forms of life, and that
Some people, due to their
Differences, are better
Than others (Ego).
Some embrace our
Differences to justify
Their beliefs and actions
In reality, though we
May believe, look, act
Differently, or we may
Be a different genus, we
Each possess a piece of the
Divine (Spirit/God/Soul)
Within, inextricably connecting
Each of us to the other.
We have never been
Greater or our lives more
Significant than anyone
Else or any other life form;
Each possesses a Spirit, a
Piece of God within as well.
Understanding this, sharing
Our Spirit’s inherent
Wisdom and unconditional
Love to selflessly help
Others in need, is the lesson
We are alive to learn
23 – The Answers
The Ego, our self-centered
Beliefs, tells us everything
We need can be found
In the world.
If we even partially
Believe this, though we
May have Awoken,
Sensing the first
Messages from our
Spirit, Enlightenment
Will remain elusive.
The Spirit, however, asks
Us to seek our answers
Within, where they have
Always been, and then to
Selflessly share the wisdom
And unconditional love
Present there with all
Others (Enlightenment).
It is ironic, most spend their
Entire life searching for
Meaning in the world
(Asleep); it may not
Be found there.
We have always had
The answers.
We were simply
Looking for them in
The wrong place.
We only had to open
Our hearts, listen to the
Quiet loving messages
Of our Spirit within,
And we would have
Understood this.
24 – Here Comes the Sun
Over the nearby snow-covered
Mountain peaks, the first
Rays of the sun bring light
And warmth to an indifferent
Self-centered world (Ego).
It shines its light on all
Living things in its
Proximity, bringing hope to
Those who value its purpose.
It does not discriminate on
Who receives its gifts,
Presenting its light to help
Plants and animals thrive
And warmth to benefit all
Living things on our
Fragile world.
We are the sun.
With our warmth and light
(Spirit), we may each change
The world by selflessly
Sharing our radiance and
Unconditional love to
Improve the lives of all
25 – Listen to the Silence
We all wish to be heard;
It is part of being human.
Yet it is not what we
Say that is important.
Rather, it is what we
Hear when we genuinely
Listen to the messages
Behind the words being said.
If we listen intently, we
May hear the underlying
Meaning, hidden deep within
The realm of the subconscious,
Not disguised by our self-
Centered opinions (Ego).
If we remain quiet, we may
Hear the authentic messages
Of the Spirit, accompanying
Each on their life’s journey.
It is a message of
Unconditional love,
Hope, and sincere desire
For us to hear the messages
From our own Spirit as
Well (Awaken).
26 – Life Lessons
During our lives we learn
Many lessons about life
That influence our decisions
And the path we will take as
We strive to be happy,
Successful, and live
A meaningful life.
If our experiences and
Choices reinforce our
Self-centered desire to
Do only what is best for
Ourself (Ego), then our
Goals in life will never be
Realized (Asleep).
Happiness, success, and
Meaning may not be found
In a self-centered world.
They must first be
Discovered within (Spirit),
Then selflessly shared,
Without reservation,
With all others.
Only then will we not
Only find what we desire
(Awaken), but also discover
The lesson we are here to
Learn, the true purpose
Of our life’s journey
27 – Which Path Will We Follow?
There are but two paths
Through life we each
May pursue.
We may either follow the
Self-centered path of the
Ego, our learned beliefs; or
We may seek the Spiritual
Path, the one we were
Always meant to follow.
The former idolizes money.
Its primary concern is for
Our individual success in
Life, often defined by
Material possessions and
Other things we were
Told would make
Our lives worthwhile.
Those pursuing a Spiritual
Path, however, though
They may have little money
Or possessions, are equally
Concerned about every
Life and how they may
Sincerely help others.
We each choose which
Path through life to follow;
We may change our path
At any time (Awaken).
One path may lead to
Success in the world,
Though to leading a life
Lacking meaning (Asleep).
The other, though not
Outwardly successful,
Will lead to true inner
Peace, happiness, love,
And discovering the
Genuine purpose for
Our life’s journey
28 – Fear
Though fear may be inherent,
Such as our fight or flight
Reaction to danger, there
Is also acquired fear we
Learn and worry about as
We are brought up to be
Afraid of others (Ego).
This fear often is the
Underlying cause of hate,
Prejudice, war, and most
Other negative emotions.
It results in a world of
Needless death, hunger,
Inequity, and numerous
Other unnecessary struggles
By many throughout history.
Only by selflessly embracing
Love rather than fear,
Accepting the inherent
Good within every life
(Spirit), will we be able
To break this relentless
Cycle (Awaken), allowing
Our children to live in
A world of peace
Rather than conflict.
29 – Hiding From Pain
Many choose to hide
From the hardships of
Life we each must
They may wear a mask,
Metaphorically covering
Their face to hide their
True feelings and
Emotions from others.
They may also conceal
Themselves behind a
Wall they erected within
To protect them from
The pain of living in a
Harsh often cruel world,
Where words, deeds, and
Actions, may cause stress,
Anxiety, and despair.
In addition to the mask
And wall, some may take
Drugs, drink alcohol, or
Find other ways to hide
Their Authentic-Self
From the world.
Living like this isolates
Us not only from our
Acquaintances, but from
Friends, close family,
And even ourselves.
Though we may be
Surrounded by many
Others, we are truly
Alone, hiding from the
World, isolating who
We really are from all
Others (Asleep).
We are each Spirit.
The rest is simply an
Illusion created by the
Ego, our learned beliefs,
To help disguise our
Genuine purpose in life.
It is only when we
Decide to stop hiding
(Awaken), may we
Finally find what we
Have sought our entire
Lives: happiness,
Unconditional love,
Inner peace, and a
Genuine understanding of
Our life’s true purpose
30 – The Rain
The rain is gently falling on
An overcast cloudy day.
Each drop splashes as it
Reaches the ground,
Helping nourish the
Earth and provide water
To all who live on it.
Though a single raindrop
Helps to slightly replenish
The rivers and quench the
Thirst of one, alone it
Cannot sustain life
By itself.
Only combined with other
Raindrops, will it be able to
Satisfy the needs of many.
We each are like a
Single raindrop.
Alone, we are isolated,
Struggling to survive in a
Self-centered world (Ego).
Together, however, selflessly
Helping each other, the
Needs of all may be met,
Allowing each to not only
Endure, but thrive as
Well (Spirit).
31 – Wealth
Many believe wealth is
Having a lot of money,
Material possessions,
Being able to do the best
Things life offers.
Though having these
Make life easier, in truth,
Wealth has little
To do with any of them.
This belief is an illusion
We accepted as real when
We were taught what
Success and wealth are in
A self-centered world (Ego).
Real wealth comes from
Within (Spirit), and is
Only acquired when we
Selflessly share the wisdom
And unconditional love of
Our Spirit (God/Soul)
With all others.
With this understanding
Of what true wealth is
(Awaken), our riches
Will be unearthed,
As we experience
Genuine love, inner peace,
And discover the true
Meaning of life
32 – Living in a Bubble
While we mature within
Our mother, we are enclosed
In an amniotic sac to protect
And provide nourishment to
Us until we are ready
To enter the world.
With our birth, no longer
Requiring its help,
It is discarded.
It does not take long,
Though, for another sac
To form, a bubble around
Us, protecting us from
Emotional pain and
Nourishing our
This bubble is the Ego,
Our learned beliefs, and
It is reinforced by our
Socialization into a
Self-centered world.
Though this bubble
Defends and nurtures
Us, it also isolates us
From each other and
From our authentic-self
As long as the bubble is
Intact, even if its walls
Are thin, we will
Continue to struggle to
Find meaning in our lives.
It is only when we burst
The bubble (Awaken),
As we once did upon our
Birth, we may begin a quest
To discover our true
Purpose in life
33 – Building a Wall or a Bridge
In life, we may choose
Whether to build a
Wall or a bridge.
The wall isolates us
From not only each
Other, but from
Ourself as well (Ego).
It hides the beauty in
The distance of faraway
Mountain tops, meandering
Rivers, and open meadows
Full of flowers.
Instead we find a barrier
We cannot see through,
Blocking our view of the
World’s grandeur (Asleep).
The bridge is quite different.
Rather than dividing us,
It connects all life
To each other.
In the distance, the views
Remain unobstructed as
We are able to see through
It to the other side.
If we view the world
Through a wall, having
Only a partial view
Of it as we peer over
The top, we will only
See a superficial image,
A façade, we each
Project to others.
When we see a world
Full of bridges though,
Instead of walls, we see
Kindness, unconditional
Love, present within every
Life (Spirit), desiring
Only to selflessly
Help all others.
To change the future and
Further the spiritual evolution
Of our planet, we must
Tear down all our isolating
Walls, replacing them instead
With bridges that will
Connect us all together
34 – The Will of God
God is known by many names.
Spirit, Soul, Higher-Self,
Are but three spiritual
Names synonymous
With God.
Allah, Jehovah, Yahweh,
Are also known as God
In three prominent
World religions.
Though many know God
By different names, he
Has only one underlying
Message uniting each: sharing
Unconditional love with all.
The will of God does not
Tolerate hate, intolerance,
Self-centered greed.
Nor does it condone
Allowing needless death
Due to starvation, war,
Or the struggles of so
Many due to poverty,
Homelessness, prejudice.
God is love.
Believing in God means
Equally sharing and
Selflessly helping
Everyone, regardless
Of our differences, and
Treating all other forms of
Life and Mother Earth with
The respect she deserves.
This is the will of God.
Anything else is a learned
Illusion (Ego), propagated by
Organized religion, that
Long ago lost sight of
The true meaning and
Beliefs God intended.
35 – The Butterfly
It is not others who
Must change (Ego).
It is you who must
First evolve (Spirit).
Only then may you
Begin to come out of
Your cocoon (Awaken)
And become a butterfly
36 – What is Important in Life?
The time we have left as
We approach death is an
Interesting time in life.
Many things, once
Thought to be important,
No longer are.
We begin to realize life
Really is not that
Complicated or complex;
Rather, it is quite simple.
The money, material
Possessions, job we had,
And almost everything else
We once thought defined
What a successful life is
(Ego), no longer matter.
Nothing will accompany
Us when we die.
We finally realize none
Of those things are, or
Ever were important.
Do not wait until the
End of your life to
Decide what is truly
Important (Awaken).
To discover what is
Important, close your
Eyes, silence your
Mind, and listen to
The quiet messages in
Between your racing
Thoughts (Spirit).
37 – Do Not Waste Your Life Living in Fear
If we measure time from
The beginning of the
Universe, our life passes
Like a grain of sand
On a beach or a drop
Of water in an ocean.
To waste our brief life
Living in fear, believing
We are better than another,
Accepting the self-centered
Myths we have been taught
About our importance
In the world, masks the
True purpose of life
To live a truly
Meaningful life, we must
Ignore everything we
Have been taught and
Believed to be true
About our importance
In the world (Ego);
Accepting, though we are
All different, our life is
Not that significant.
Every life, regardless
Of our differences,
Or genus, each with a
Spirit, a piece of God
Within, is, and always
Has been, as important
As another’s
38 – Mid-Life Crisis
After someone Awakens,
There is often a difficult
Period of transition.
That person begins to
Question everything
In their life.
Many people go
Through a mid-life
Crisis at this time.
They are confused,
Questioning everything
They learned and
Once believed to be true.
There is a gnawing feeling
Within they may no longer
Ignore, coming from
Their very core.
It is their Spirit attempting
To communicate with
Them, making them
Question the self-
Centered path in life
They are on (Ego).
Finally reaching a point
No longer able to ignore
This feeling, they have no
Choice but to make changes
In their life; they Awaken.
Friendships and relationships
Might fade away, their job
May appear unsatisfying, as
They now may have little
In common with those
Still Asleep, who remained
Trapped in an illusion
Of reality.
They begin a journey to
Find meaning in their life;
One that will lead them to
Rediscover their Spirit’s
Inherent wisdom and
Unconditional love,
Allowing them to share
It to help others Awaken
To their life’s genuine
Purpose as well
39 – With Awakening Everything Changes
It is all part of the journey.
Once you Awaken, the only
Certainty is your life will
Never be the same and
There is no turning back.
Everything in your life
Will change, including
Your relationships,
Beliefs, and patience for
The games people play
Who remain Asleep.
Awakening happens
When, sensing the first
Quiet messages from your
Spirit within, you begin
To question everything
You were taught about
How to succeed and
Survive in a self-
Centered world (Ego).
Enlightenment though
Will only happen when
You truly accept
Everything you
Learned was untrue.
The truth has always
Been within (Spirit).
To discover what it is
And the true reason for
Your life’s journey,
Listen to the silence in
Between your random
Thoughts, then share
The wisdom you sense
From its guidance
40 – The Splendor of the Whole
We are each like a grain
Of sand on a beach or
A drop of water in an
Ocean (Ego); part of a
Greater whole (Spirit),
Without which the beach
Or ocean could not exist.
It is only when we
Truly understand
This (Awaken),
Joining all the sand
And water together
As one, the splendor
Of the whole may
Be appreciated
41 – The River
On top of a tall rocky
Mountain peak covered
In snow all year, a river
Begins its long journey
To an ocean far away,
Being energized by
The melting snow.
Along the way, other
Steams join its trek, as
The twisting river begins
To grow in size and
Straighten its path.
Many along the river’s
Edge use its water to
Drink and grow food
For sustenance.
They also pollute the
Water with waste
Destroying its purity
And beauty.
By the time the river
Reaches the ocean,
Little is left of what
It looked like at its
We, humanity, are the river.
We begin our journey at
Birth, pure, knowing only
Unconditional love (Spirit).
As we begin our voyage
Through life though, we
Are exposed to the self-
Centered beliefs (Ego)
That influence and
Dominate us until
Our demise (Asleep).
Instead of the purity and
Splendor we once knew
When we were born, our
Life has slowly decayed.
By the time we reach the
End of our journey,
Reviewing the life we
Had led, many will
Have regrets.
What once began
With beauty and love
(Enlightenment), now
Is unrecognizable.
42 – The Play
On the day we are going
To die, when the Ego, our
Self-centered beliefs, finally
Surrenders its hold on our
Life, we will understand
Our entire life was a play;
It was all make-believe.
We acted our part so well
We never knew it was
Not real (Asleep).
Life is just an illusion,
Where we all have our
Bit parts in the play.
If we follow the script,
As we learned to do as
We are growing up
(Ego), the answers
We seek about
Life may elude us.
It is only when we act
Outside the boundaries
Of the script and
Awaken, the answers
We seek may finally
Begin to reveal
43 – The Matrix
The matrix is a world where
Most are Asleep, living in a
Learned reality accepted
As the truth (Ego).
Those who remain sleeping
Throughout their lives
Believe success, happiness,
And meaning may be
Found in the self-centered
World; they may not.
When we first Awaken,
We start to question if
Those beliefs are true.
Despite how successful
Our life has been, sensing
A voice we begin to hear
Within (Spirit), the
Self-centered beliefs
We once unquestionably
Accepted as the truth no
Longer make sense to us.
The matrix we once
Understood and accepted as
Our reality begins to dissolve,
Leaving an unrecognizable
World in its place.
Rather than compete
Against each other to
Survive in the world, we
Now wish to selflessly
Help others instead.
Open your heart
See the genuine
Possibility’s life
Offers, allowing
Your matrix to
Melt away.
44 – The Suitcase
I would like you
To picture an
Open suitcase.
Before we are born,
The suitcase is empty.
With our birth, though,
The self (Ego), which
Is everything we learn
And believe to be
True, begins to fill
This suitcase up.
With each interaction
We have, the suitcase
Becomes heavier, as it
Begins to become
Cluttered with the baggage
We accumulate from all
The erroneous things we
Have learned during
Our lives.
The heavier the suitcase
Becomes, the dimmer
Our light gets (Asleep)
And the more we will
Have to unpack when
We Awaken and begin
Our journey toward
In the suitcase are all
The false self-centered
Truth’s learned and
Accepted by the child as
They are growing up.
Though it does not take
Very long to fill the suitcase
(Usually during the first 5 years of life),
It may take the rest of
Their life, if at all, to
Find their light again,
Unpack the suitcase and
Return to the inner peace,
Love, and understanding
They once knew before
The suitcase began
To fill (Spirit).
Let us all therefore
Strive to keep our
Children’s suitcase
Lighter during their
Early years, by raising
Them with love, rather
Than fear, allowing
Their light to remain
Brighter and their journey
Through life easier and
More meaningful.
45 – The Seeker
We spend our entire life
Seeking, looking for
Happiness, love, and
Meaning in our life.
We search for these
Throughout the world,
Believing religion, money,
Material possessions, having
A family, prestigious job,
Or any of the many other
Things we learned would
Aid our quest (Ego).
Though we may have led a
Successful life, what we
Are searching for may
Not be found in a self-
Centered world.
It may only be found
Within (Spirit), where
The answers we have
Sought our entire life,
Searching endlessly for
In the world, have
Always been
46 – The Lie
As soon as we are
Born, the lie begins.
We are taught about our
Importance in the world and
To accept its self-centered
Beliefs (Ego).
We learn those who are
Famous, wealthy, have
Important jobs, a certain
Skin color, religion, sex, or
Any other comparisons we
Learned defined superiority
In the world, are better,
Their lives more important
Than others who are different
From them (Asleep).
Nothing could be further
From the truth.
Our egocentric upbring is
The cause of greed, war,
Prejudice, and many
Of humanity’s other
Harmful beliefs and
Self-inflicted challenges
In the world both today
And throughout history.
The truth is no one is,
Or ever has been, more
Important than another.
Every life, regardless of our
Differences, accomplishments,
Or genus, each with a piece
Of God, a Spirit within, is as
Important as our own, and
Only by equally shepherding
The resources of our planet,
May we all survive and live
A life of genuine purpose
And meaning
47 – The Prism
When we are first born,
Before we are socialized and
Taught what to believe, the light
Refracted through the prism
Of life is pure white.
This white light emerges due to
The inherent wisdom and
Unconditional love present
Within each life (Spirit).
As we learn how we are
Supposed to act and treat each
Other though, living in a
Self-centered world (Ego),
The white light of the prism
Is dispersed into an infinite
Number of hues.
The more we accept and believe
What we are taught, the murkier
The reflected colors of the
Rainbow flowing through
The prism become.
The darker the light emerging
From the prism, the more
Challenging our life will
Become (Asleep).
Most of humanity’s self-
Inflicted problems and harmful
Emotions experienced around
The world, both now and
Throughout history, happen
When a majority see a
Darkened light emerging
Through the prism of life.
As we Awaken, sensing the
First loving messages from
Our Spirit within, we begin
To question the truth of
What we had been taught.
The colors we now see reflected
Through the prism begin to
Lighten as we start to reject
Much of what we once believed.
The lighter the colors observed
On the other side of the prism
The more peaceful, loving, and
Meaningful our life will become.
Though we may never once again
See the pure white color we knew
Before we were first born, it
Is the journey to rediscover
This white light that is the
Genuine reason we are alive
48 – How Much is a Life Worth?
The going rate for a body,
Including the elements it is
Composed of, is just one dollar.
Is that what each life is worth?
Does having wealth, fame,
A prestigious job, being a
Certain race, religion, sex, or
Anything else differentiating
Us from each other, make
One person’s life worth
More than another’s?
These questions must be
Answered by anyone seeking to
Awaken and become Enlightened.
If your answer to these questions
Is yes, your Spiritual journey
Has not yet begun (Asleep).
If, however, you begin to
Question how much a life
Is worth, wondering if
Despite our differences
Each life may be equally
Important, then you have
Awoken (Spirit) and begun
Your journey toward
49 – The End of Life
After we have lived our
Lives, as we approach
Death, it is common to
Reexamine how our life went.
Did we live a successful life?
The end of life offers a unique
Opportunity to do this, because
At this time, the Ego, our
Learned self-centered beliefs,
Loosens its influence on us,
And the Spirit becomes our
Predominant reviewer.
At this point in the cycle
Of life, it no longer matters
How much money we made,
The size of the house we
Lived in, the job we had,
Or anything else associated
With success, as dictated in
The world by the Ego.
We are all finally equal now
And we judge our success
Through a different prism:
That of the Spirit.
When we review our lives,
What we had thought was
Success often holds a
Different meaning now.
It is at this time, especially
During the last few days
Of our life, we come to the
Realization what we thought
Was important, really was not.
All the material things we
Accumulated, friends we had,
Places we visited, jobs we
Worked, amount of money
We made, or any other
Comparison you can think
Of, which belongs in the
World in which we had
Lived, becomes meaningless.
It is at that moment, the moment
Where the Ego has minimal
Control over our actions and
Decisions, the true meaning of
Life finally becomes evident.
It is then, despite how strongly
The Ego may have influenced
Our life before, the opportunity
To view our life in a different
Way presents itself (Awaken).
At this time in our life,
Primarily viewing our lives
Through the eyes of our Spirit,
We may find we have many regrets.
We begin to understand the selfish
Pleasures in the world we had
Sought were not very important.
As death becomes evident, we
Finally realize none of that matters.
When we die, unless our culture
Is like that of the ancient Egyptians,
Our body will be buried or cremated,
And nothing we accumulated during
Our lifetime will accompany us.
Our body will then be placed
In a coffin or urn, just like
Every other person who dies,
Regardless of their stature or
Their lifetime accomplishments.
At that moment, just before
We die, we finally understand
We truly are all equal.
No one was ever better than
Another (Enlightenment).
Race, money, prestige,
No longer matter.
As we get closer to our death,
It becomes evident the self-
Centered path the Ego had us
Follow to find success and
Happiness may have not
Been the right path after all.
The fear, hatred, and prejudice
We once felt are no longer
Important to us, not because
We are going to die, but
Because it never did matter.
50 – We Are Not Alone
Surrounded by a sea of
People, I pass many others,
Barely noticing my existence.
Within, I feel empty, lost, afraid
Of everything, needing to
Prove my worth every day.
I constantly worry, wanting to
Be happy, successful, be able
To survive in the world,
Providing everything my family
And I need to be safe and enjoy
The best things life has to offer.
I’m afraid to think too much.
If I do, I may realize, from the
Moment of our birth until we
Die, we each are alone
In the world (Asleep).
The journey through life
Though, was never meant to
Be solitary, searching for
Answers never able to be
Found in a self-centered
World (Ego).
To find your answers
(Awaken), to be happy,
Successful, live a meaningful
Life, and not be alone,
Look within, where your
Spirit, a piece of God
Is present, then selflessly
Share your Spirit’s innate
Wisdom and unconditional
Love with all others, so
They too may be happy,
Successful, and live a
Meaningful life as well
51 – Inner Voices
We each have two
Voices we hear within.
One, coming from our mind
Is loud, often misguided, telling
Us what to do and say.
The words uttered from our
Mind result from what we
Learned in life, determining
Our beliefs, prejudices, and
Views of living in a self-
Centered world (Ego).
The other voice comes
From our heart.
This voice is inherent,
Present within every life.
Many call this voice our
Spirit or Higher-Self.
Selflessly sharing its innate
Wisdom and messages of
Unconditional love to
Benefit others, gives our life
Meaning (Enlightenment).
Though both voices will
Remain with us throughout
Our life, we may choose
Which voice to listen to.
Listen mostly to the softer
Voice quietly whispering its
Wisdom and messages of
Love, rather than the louder
Chaotic voice from the mind.
If you do, you will Awaken
And begin an extraordinary
Journey to discover life’s
Genuine purpose.
52 – Look Beyond
When we look at and talk
To another, what do
We see and hear?
Do we see their appearance,
The clothes they are wearing,
The color of their skin, or
Any of the many other traits
We judge another by?
Do we hear just what they are
Saying, the words answering
Our questions or as they
Tell us their opinion?
Is there more to someone
Than just what we see and hear?
Our self-centered opinions,
Often formed when we are
Young, guide most of
Our interactions and how
We view the world (Ego).
It is only when we look
Beyond our vison and
Thoughts, to the very
Soul (Spirit) within
Another, that we may truly
Know their genuine worth
53 – Who Am I?
Am I the person you see, hear,
Touch, or am I something else?
Am I the many roles I have
Been assigned by society?
A father, mother, rich, poor,
White, black, Asian,
European, or any of the
Many other designations
We are defined as (Ego).
Perhaps I am more than this.
I, as every life, am a
Spirit as well.
Our body is but a shell
Housing who we truly are.
We are each the same,
Having a Spirit, a piece
Of God within, equally
Alive to experience life.
Our accomplishments,
Appearance, or any other
Differences between us
Mean little.
Who am I?
I am you and we are
All one, intimately linked
Together by our Spirit within,
Each alive to discover our
Life’s true purpose.
54 – The Three Stages of Enlightenment
The First Stage of Enlightenment –
Being Asleep
The first stage of Enlightenment
Begins when we are born, as
We are socialized and taught
To accept the self-centered
Beliefs of the world (Ego).
With our birth, our identity is
Often already pre-determined.
The color of our skin, country
We are born into, religion,
And many other man-made
Comparisons often dictate
Our future in the world.
We believe these comparisons
Are true by observing others,
Reading about them in books
And newspapers, and by
Watching TV and movies.
Most people believe and
Internalize these differences,
Further proving to themselves
They are better, more
Important than another.
Those who accept and believe
What they were taught is true,
Despite their success in life,
Remain Asleep, destined to
Live a life of mediocrity,
Believing their happiness
And meaning will come
From the world.
It will not.
The Second Stage of Enlightenment – Awakening
Those who Awaken begin
To question if everything we
Learned and accepted to be
True in life, as we were
Growing up, was true.
A feeling begins to flourish
Within, no longer able to
Be ignored, questioning the
Validity of everything
We once believed.
Though we may be leading
A successful life, be wealthy,
Famous, or any other comparison
We learned determines what success
Is, it no longer quells the uneasy
Feelings we experience coming
From deep within us.
The anguish we feel emanates
From our Spirit, present
Within every life.
Some may call the
Spirit God/Soul/Essence
Or assign it another name.
It does not matter.
It represents our guide through
Life giving our life meaning.
We Awaken when we first
Sense something is wrong,
Begin to question if what
We learned and accepted was
True may not have been,
Beginning us on a journey we
Have no choice but to pursue.
A journey toward Enlightenment.
The Third Stage of Enlightenment – Enlightenment
Enlightenment happens when
We finally accept everything we
Learned and believed to
Be true was not.
Despite our appearance, wealth,
Accomplishments, material
Possessions, or any other
Comparison differentiating
Us from each other, we now
Realize we are not, and never
Have been, better or more
Important than anyone else.
We sense our Spirit within, now
Fully embracing its messages by
Selflessly sharing its inherent wisdom
And unconditional love with others,
Helping them Awaken to their
Spirit’s true purpose in life as well.
Though what we learned when we
Were young will remain with us,
Its influence on our life
Is now minimal.
Instead of competing, we
Now wish to cooperate.
Instead of living in fear,
We now seek to live
Our life with love.
And instead of desiring only
What is best for ourselves, we
Now wish to selflessly help others,
To ease their journey through life.
With this change and acceptance
Of the Spirit’s message, we
Move closer to Enlightenment and
Understanding the true purpose
For our life’s journey.
55 – Do No Harm
When we harm another
With unkind words, take
Advantage of them in any
Way needing to prove
We are smarter, more
Important than they
Are (Ego), though we
May briefly succeed in
Our effort, in reality, the
Injury hurts us both.
We must always strive to
Help, not harm each other.
Regardless of the slight,
There is never a reason
To demean another
56 – Who is Driving Your Car?
When I was born, my
Car was new, pristine
In every way.
I was the driver inherently
Knowing my purpose in
Life: to follow my Spirit’s
Inherent wisdom and
Unconditional love,
Allowing it to guide
My life choices.
As I became older though,
A passenger joined me
In my car, when I began
To accept society’s
Beliefs about life.
I learned the truth
About surviving in a
Self-centered world (Ego).
Slowly, as I became older,
I discovered I no longer
Was driving my car.
Instead, I was now
The passenger:
My Ego was driving.
I no longer embraced
Unconditional love as I
First did when I was born.
Instead, I now accepted
The countless lessons life
Taught me, understanding
The many man-made
Tragedies and struggles
Others endure were
Inevitable (Asleep).
One day, when I was older,
Depressed, unhappy with
My life (mid-life crisis),
I began to tire being
A passenger.
I started to question if
Everything I had learned
In my life was true (Awoke).
When I finally realized and
Accepted none of it was,
I once again took the
Wheel of my car,
Changing seats with
The driver, who now
Accompanied me in
The passenger seat.
As I began to drive my
Car again, though it was
Not as shiny and pristine
As it was when it was
New, I found I was
No longer depressed
Or unhappy.
Instead, I found genuine
Inner peace and meaning,
As I once again was able
To embrace and share my
Unconditional love, my
Spirit, with all others
57 – A Smile and a Kind Word
Each of us can affect the life
Of another, even briefly.
Treating others with a smile
And sincere kindness, not
Influenced by wanting
Something in return,
Can alter the direction of
Not only one life, but
Of the world itself.
This kind-hearted gesture
May Awaken in others an
Inherent memory present
Within every life (Spirit);
A memory we all once knew
Before we were exposed to
The chaos from living in a
Self-centered world (Ego).
If enough people begin to
Selflessly share a smile and
Kind word, perhaps the newly
Awakened person we first
Encountered will then share
This gesture with others,
Continuing ad infinitum.
To change the world, perhaps
We can simply start with being
Nice to each other by sharing
A smile and a kind word.
58 – The Twilight of Life
As I sit on my porch on a cold
Winter day in the twilight of
My life, I reflect on what
Is important in life.
I look at the many struggles
Others, as well as I, had;
Hunger, homelessness,
Prejudice, inequity, life
Changing loss of job/divorce/
Illness/death or any number of
Other challenges I have
Witnessed during my life.
I now understand how
Unnecessary many of
These difficulties were.
They were a result of living
In a self-centered world,
Where we worry only
About ourselves (Ego),
Rather than to be sincerely
Concerned for others who are
Struggling as well (Spirit).
We need not face life alone.
We are meant to help each
Other in our time of need,
Understanding every life,
Regardless of our differences,
Is equally important, and
Only together, may we
Mitigate the many self-inflicted
Problems caused by living in
An egoistic world, allowing
Us all to survive and
Live a meaningful life
Full of inner peace, enduring
Love, and genuine purpose
59 – How to Raise a Happy Child
To raise a happy child,
Bring them up to believe
In the goodness of life,
To share unselfishly, foster
Respect and love for all
Others, regardless of any
Differences there may
Be between us.
Teach our children to find
Their path and happiness in
Life, not in the self-centered
World (Ego), but from their
Spirit within instead, then
To selflessly share their
Spirit’s innate wisdom
And unconditional love with
All others (Enlightenment).
60 – Every Life is Beautiful
It matters not what someone
Looks like: their race, sex,
Wealth, appearance, or
Anything else we may
Judge them by.
Every life is unique,
Beautiful in every way.
Our differences create a
Montage, a mosaic that
Together make us all stronger.
Despite any insignificant
Flaws we each may have,
Only by embracing our
Similarities (Spirit), rather
Than our differences (Ego),
May we truly see the genuine
Beauty within other’s.
61 – The Spiritual Journey
The spiritual journey is
Very challenging, long,
And often lonely.
There are a lot of frustrations
You will encounter as you
Continue to live in a self-
Centered world that
Remains Asleep (Ego).
By embracing the spiritual
Path, selflessly sharing our
Spirit’s inherent wisdom and
Unconditional love, we may
Change the world by
Awakening the Spirit
Within others,
Beginning them on a
Spiritual journey as well.
Though the journey is
Challenging, we must
Not give up.
For at the end of the
Spiritual path lies inner
Peace, enduring love, and
A genuine understanding
About our life’s true purpose
62 – The Answers
Do not look to others
To find happiness,
Meaning, and answers
About life (Ego).
They will not be
Found there (Asleep).
These must first be
Found within (Spirit),
Then selflessly shared,
Without motive or
Benefit, with all others
63 – The Mask
We learn, often when we
Are young children, how to
Conceal our true emotions
Behind a mask we may
Wear, becoming very
Adept at hiding almost
All our feelings from
Others and, often, even
From ourselves.
Masks help us survive
In a self-centered world
(Ego), allowing our
Responses to different
Situations to be
Socially acceptable.
It is not easy though to
Continually wear a mask.
The larger the mask and
The more of our face it
Covers, the greater the
Problems we will have
In our life and the more
Stress and anxiety we
May experience and
Feel (Asleep).
We must all strive to rip
Off the mask (Awaken)
Preventing us from
Reaching our full
Potential (Spirit)
If we do, allowing our
Spirit to become the
Primary guide in our life,
We will be finally be able
To experience life as it
Was truly meant to be
64 – The Simple Message We Are Here to Learn
Greed, prejudice, inequity;
War, hunger, homelessness.
None of these things and so
Much more need exist today.
Every man-made problem
And harmful emotion results
From accepting the self-
Centered status quo, the
Belief we are better and
More deserving than
Another (Ego);
We are not.
We are all Spirit, each
With a piece of God
Within, intimately
Linked to each other.
Every life, therefore,
Regardless of our
Differences, is
Equally important,
Each deserving to be
Helped in their time of
Need and treated with
Respect and
Unconditional love.
This is the simple
Message we are
Here to learn
65 – Living a Successful Life
Is success living to an old
Age, making a lot of money,
Having a prestigious job, a
Family, big house, and being
Able to do the best things
Life has to offer?
Many in the world, believing
This self-centered definition
Of success (Ego), though they
May become successful
In life, if their success
Is not selflessly shared
To help others become
Successful as well, then
Their life was led without
Meaning or purpose (Asleep).
There is another definition
Of success though, one
Much less recognized.
Money, material possessions,
Or anything else found in
The world is not necessary
When following this path.
By selflessly sharing our
Inherent wisdom and
Unconditional love, our
Spirit, with all others, our life
Will have been successful
And we will have understood
The genuine purpose for
Our life’s journey
66 – We Are Each Other’s Teachers
Every person we meet, regardless
How brief, affects our life.
A small part of their Spirit,
Their Essence, remains with us,
Changing, if only slightly, the
Direction our life will take.
Each one of us, therefore,
May change the world by
Sharing our authentic self,
Our Spirit, with others.
We are each other’s teachers.
Let us, therefore, make certain
The unconditional loving
Messages we share always
Help others, rather than
Harm them, leaving our
Children a world of hope,
Rather than despair.
67 – The Spirit Guide
Within every life lies a Spirit guide.
Whether you call this guide a
Spirit/ Soul/ God or anything
Else, it does not matter.
It is an ethereal being meant
To give our lives meaning
By sharing its inherent
Wisdom and unconditional
Love to help guide
Our life’s choices.
Awakening begins when
We first start to sense
Its presence, questioning
If our self-centered beliefs
About life are true (Ego).
Enlightenment, though, will
Only happen when we
Fully accept the messages
Of our Spirit guide,
Everything we once
Thought to be true
Was not.
It was all an illusion,
Meant to challenge our
Life’s choices.
68 – The First Step to Awakening
Before beginning on
A spiritual path, we
Must first start to
Question our beliefs
And attitudes about
The world.
We are brought up
To believe in always
Putting our own
Needs and desires
Before others (Ego).
To begin the
Process, this belief
Must be reversed.
When we are able
To sincerely
Put the needs of
Others, before
Only considering
Our own desires,
Treat all, without
Exception, as
Equal, their lives
Important, significant,
(Spirit), then we will
Have Awoken,
Beginning an enduring
Journey to understand
Our life’s true
69 – This is Enlightenment
Every life, regardless
Of differences or
Genus, has a Spirit, a
Piece of God within,
Accompanying it
Through its life journey,
Intimately connecting
Each to the other.
No one person or
Lifeform, therefore,
Regardless of their
Appearance, beliefs,
Or accomplishments
In life, each with a
Piece of God within,
Is, or ever has been
Better, their life
More important
Than another’s.
Understanding this
(Awaken), then
Selflessly sharing
Our Spirit’s inherent
Wisdom and
Unconditional love
To improve the
Lives of others is
70 – Reviewing My Life
I am in the twilight
Of life; death will
Come soon.
I have no fear,
Though as I look
Back over my life,
There are many things
I wish I had done
Instead of worrying
Only about myself
And success in the
World (Ego), constantly
Working, striving to
Enjoy life, I would
Have spent more time
Helping others and
With those I love.
I would have listened,
Learned, and assisted
All those in need,
Even strangers I did
Not know (Spirit).
I would have fought
Harder to change the
World, feed the hungry,
Provide shelter to the
Homeless, and stop
The prejudice, hate,
And senseless slaughter
Humanity needlessly
Inflicts on each other.
I only wish I had
Understood these
Things earlier (Awaken),
So my life could have
Been more meaningful
Rather than simply
Being focused on only
What was best for
Myself (Asleep).
71 – Taking Advantage of Others
There is never a
Reason to do, say,
Or imply harm to
Another (Asleep).
It matters not if
The slight is verbal,
Physical, or in any
Other manner.
We are all in life’s
Journey together
Though many
Believe the injury
They caused to the
Other is trivial, in
Reality, it harms both.
Apart, regardless of
Our success or
In life, our lives are
Insignificant (Ego).
Only together (Spirit),
By always helping
Others and treating
All with respect and
Unconditional love,
Will life’s genuine
Meaning become
72 – Light
Light (Spirit/God)
Exists within each life.
It often is hidden from
View by our dominant
Self-centered beliefs
(Ego), quieting its
Wisdom and dimming
Its light from our life
The intention of life is
To rediscover (Awaken)
And then shine our light
On all others so they
Too may find their
Light within as well
73 – Remember
We are Spirit (God),
Co-existing in a
Corporeal body.
We forget this
After we are
Exposed to life’s
Challenges (Ego).
Our life’s purpose is
To remember (Awaken),
Then selflessly share
Our Spirit’s inherent
Wisdom and unconditional
Love to help others
Remember their true
Purpose in life as well
74 – A Universal Tenet
Every life, regardless
Of our beliefs,
Appearance, or
Genus, is equal,
Important, and
Meaningful (Spirit).
Most of humanity’s
Struggles result from
Not understanding this
Universal tenet (Asleep),
Believing instead not only
Are we superior to all
Other forms of life, but
Some lives are more
Important than others
As well (Ego).
75 – The World We See
How we view life’s
Challenges will
Decide our destiny.
If we only see
Darkness (Asleep),
We will spend our
Lives fearful, never
Truly experiencing
The reason for our
Life’s journey (Ego).
If, however, we see
Light (Spirit), not
Only in the world,
But within all others
As well (Awaken), we
Will fully embrace
Life, and, in doing
So, discover our
True purpose in
Life as well
76 – The Universe
In the vastness of
Space, the universe
Contains celestial
Bodies and wonders
Too abundant to tally.
Alone (Ego), isolated
From others, though
Their impact may be
Significant, their existence
And importance in the
Universe is nominal (Asleep).
Only together (Spirit), as
Part of a solar system,
Galaxy, the cosmic web,
Will its intention be
Fully realized
77 – The Waterfall
In early spring, water
Melting from faraway
Mountain peaks, rush
Downward to the
Valley below.
Before it reaches its
Destination, the water
Is calm, peaceful.
It is only when it
Descends over an
Elevated bluff, its
Intensity increases, as
It produces a beautiful,
Majestic waterfall.
Humanity may be
Contrasted to a waterfall.
Before we are born
We are calm, peaceful,
Wise, knowing only
Unconditional love
It is not until we enter
The world, socialized
To accept the self-
Centered beliefs of
Society (Ego), our
About life’s purpose
Becomes distorted
The true irony of life
Is we then spend the
Rest of our lives, trying
To return (Awaken) to
The calm, peaceful
Reflections and
Feelings of love we
Once knew before
We were first born
78 – Givers and Takers
There are two types of
People: givers (Spirit)
And takers (Ego).
A giver is someone
Who shares their love
Freely with all others,
Wanting only the
Best for everyone.
A taker worries only
About themselves,
Unafraid to take
Advantage of another.
Though a taker may be
Successful in life, they
Will never experience
True love, inner
Peace or learn
The lessons we are
Alive to understand
A giver, however,
Will find these in
Abundance, while
Also discovering life’s
Genuine intentions
As well
79 – You Are Worthwhile
Though you may be
Poor, struggle daily to
Survive, your life is as
Important as any other
That has achieved
Success in the world.
Our body is but a
Shell, housing our
Spirit (God) within.
Our mind is but a tool
To accept society’s
Beliefs (Ego).
Who we truly are, lies
Not in our success or
Thoughts (Asleep), but
In our Essence within
80 – We Are Stronger Together
When you are down,
Struggling to hold
On, I will be there.
It matters not if we
Know each other.
I will always offer
My hand to hold you,
My love to embrace
You, and my Soul to
Caress your wounds.
We are stronger together.
If you ever wondered
Why we are born,
This is the reason.
To selflessly help
And love each other
In our time of need.
81 – The Ceiling
Above me the ceiling
Limits my view of the
World, restricting
My vision.
I realize, above its
Confines, lies an
Unrestricted realm,
Waiting to embrace
Me with its inherent
Wisdom and unconditional
Love (Spirit).
Like the ceiling, most
Of us limit our view
Of the world, only
Believing what we
Were taught (Ego),
Seeing our life
Limited by its
Boundaries (Asleep).
It is only when we
Observe what is
Above the ceiling
By challenging our
Self-centered beliefs,
The beauty and genuine
Possibilities life offers
May truly be discovered.
82 – Our False Beliefs
There are many who
Believe they are
Leading a successful,
Purposeful life,
Everything they were
Taught would allow
Them to do so (Ego).
Though they may be
Wealthy, famous,
Have many material
Possessions, nothing
Achieved in a self-
Centered world,
Unless shared to
Benefit others,
Will bring genuine
Success or purpose to
Our lives (Asleep).
Success and purpose
May only be found
When we share our
Innate wisdom and
Unconditional love
(Spirit) to help others
Become successful and
Discover meaning in
Their lives as well.
83 – We Are All Children of the World
Regardless of the
Color of our skin,
Ethnicity, religion,
Whether we are rich
Or poor, famous
Or unknown, or any
Other comparison we
May make, we are all
Children of the world.
No one life, regardless
Of our differences or
Accomplishments, is or
Ever has been better,
More important,
Than another’s.
Apart (Ego), though
Some may be more
Successful, we
Will all fail.
Only together (Spirit),
By putting our trivial
Differences aside, may
We all flourish, and
Discover genuine
Meaning in our
Lives as well
84 – The Bird
Soaring in the sky,
Wings outstretched,
Gracefully riding the
Currents of wind,
The bird majestically
Embraces is destiny.
The higher the bird
Climbs, the more difficult
Its journey, due to the thin
Air and lack of oxygen.
When it remains close to
The ground, it feels secure
In its environment.
It is only when the bird
Challenges its confines
Though, soaring high
Above, will it truly
See the world below,
Discovering the genuine
Beauty of life.
Humanity is very
Much like the bird.
When we remain in
Our comfort zone,
Fearing to soar and
Challenge our self-centered
Beliefs (Ego), we will
Never see life’s true
Potential (Asleep).
It is only when we
Rise above, confront
Our fears, climb to new
Heights (Awaken),
May we begin a quest
To understand our
True life’s purpose
85 – The Sun
As the sun rises,
Our life begins anew.
With our birth, the sheer
Beauty and clarity of
All it illuminates
Is apparent (Spirit).
With our exposure to
The world, however, the
Suns brilliance begins
To fade, as its light is
Partially hidden behind
The clouds above.
For some, only a few
Clouds exist, allowing
The sun’s rays to
Periodically reach
The ground below.
For others though,
The clouds darken,
Covering the entire
Sky (Asleep).
How overcast the
Skies become depends
On our acceptance of
All we learned to
Be true (Ego).
Those who have fully
Embraced this truth,
Though they may find
Success in the world,
Will perpetually live
Under a darkened
Overcast sky, one
Where the sun’s rays
Are seldom seen.
Only those who start
To challenge their
Self-centered beliefs
(Awaken) will
Begin to see the
Clouds dissipate.
Though few will
Ever observe the
Crystal clear blue
Sky we once
Observed with
Our birth
The journey to
Once again see
An unblemished
Blue sky is what
Makes life truly
86 – Listen
Listen to the quiet
(Spirit) in between
The words (Ego)
Of another to hear
The genuine
It is then you
Will sense their
Speaking silently,
As it converses
With our Spirit
87 – See Beyond
See beyond the
Façade (Ego) we
Each project, to
The Essence
It is here the
Answers about
Life’s true purpose
Lie (Enlightenment)
And the genuine
Worth of another
May be
88 – Finding Meaning
Open your heart
Change the world.
Find purpose.
Help all in need
Without motive
Or benefit.
Selflessly share
Your innate wisdom
And unconditional
Love with others
This is the meaning
Of life; the reason
For our life’s
89 – Our Common Purpose
Though we each
Pursue our own
Path through
Life (Ego), we
All have the same
Purpose; to reunite
With our Spirit (God)
Within, then share its
Essence selflessly
With all others,
So they too may
Discover their
Life’s genuine
Purpose as well
90 – The Beauty of Life
Every life is beautiful,
Perfect in every way.
Appearance or any
Other comparisons
Mean little.
The beauty of life
Resides not on
The outside (Ego).
It only lies within
(Spirit), where the
True beauty and
Worth of another
Has always been.
91 – Tears
My sorrow is
Tears steadily fall
Down my face as
I see the pain and
Torment of so many.
Hunger, prejudice,
Senseless deaths,
Ending their life
Before their
Appointed time.
Every meaningless
Death harms all;
Their Spirit no
Longer present
To spread its
Innate wisdom
And unconditional
Love with others.
My tears surge for
All, realizing these
Man-made challenges
Never need occur (Ego).
We are alive to help,
Not harm another.
My tears will
Continue to flow
Until humanity
Awakens, mitigating
The devastating
Struggles and
Premature death of
So many innocents.
92 – The Power of Love
The greatest power
In the universe
Is love, shared
Selflessly with all.
It matters not if
We know another
Or if they are
We are alive
To share our
Within each,
To benefit all
93 – The Aurora
The picturesque
Colorful lights
Dance in the night
Sky, powered
By solar wind
Speeding through
The earth’s
Most are unable to
See this spectacular
Display, as it is
Generally only
Seen at the extreme
Corners of our planet.
Despite where we
Live though, we
Each may be
Able to see an
Aurora in our
Life as well.
To do so, we
Must light up
Our darkened
Core (Ego), by
Traveling to the
Far corners within.
We may do this by
Selflessly sharing
The wisdom and
Unconditional love
Of our Spirit (God)
Within (Awaken),
Then allowing it to
Guide all of our
Life’s choices
94 – A Moment of Sanity
We live in a chaotic
Self-obsessed world,
Struggling to survive
The onslaught of
Daily challenges.
To endure in such a
World, we must rely
On ourselves and
What we need to do
To survive (Ego).
Every once in a
While, though, a
Passing thought
May penetrate our
Protective exterior, our
Façade, questioning
Our beliefs and path
Through life (Spirit).
This brief Awakening
Creates a moment of
Unbelievable calm, inner
Peace, and feelings of
Authentic love, as a
Glimpse of what
Discovering genuine
Meaning in our life
Reveals itself.
95 – After We Awaken
There may come a
Time in our life we
Begin to question
The self-centered
Beliefs we were
Taught (Ego) and
Blindly accepted
As true (Asleep).
Once this happens,
We may never fall
Back Asleep by
Continuing to follow
The status quo.
The matrix we once
Lived in begins to
Dissolve as our life
Changes forever.
We now see our
Friends, family, job,
And everything else
In the world through
Different eyes (Spirit).
The trivialities of life
No longer interest us,
As we discover we
Now have little in
Common with those
Who remain Asleep.
It is a time of great
Change, one where we
Begin to understand, we
Are alive not simply to
Find our own success
And survive in the
World, but to
Selflessly help all
Others, despite
Our differences or
Do so as well
96 – The Paradox of Life
When we live life
Worrying only about
Ourself (Ego),
Though we may be
Successful, able to
Enjoy life to the
Fullest, as death
Approaches and we
Review our life,
Almost all will
Begin to question
If their success
Meant their life
Was important
And meaningful.
As most begin to
Realize it was not,
The paradox of life
Becomes evident.
Though it is too late
For them to change,
They finally understand,
Life was never just
About them (Awaken).
Rather, their success
Was meant to be
Selflessly shared to
Help others become
Successful in life
As well
97 – Our Most Important Designation
Most believe we are
The labels we assign
To each other: male,
Female, wealthy, poor,
Black, white, or any
Number of other
Descriptions we use
To differentiate and
And define ourselves
In the world (Asleep).
Though these labels are
Used to describe who we
Are in a self-centered
World (Ego), they
Ignore our most
Important designation.
We are Spirit, a piece
Of God encased in
A human body,
Intimately connected
To each other.
The genuine purpose
Of our life’s journey
Has little to do
With our other
We are alive to
Selflessly share our
Spirit’s inherent
Wisdom and
Unconditional love
With all others, so
Everyone, regardless
Of our differences or
Challenges in life,
May discover their
True purpose in
Life as well
98 – Life’s Genuine Value
We are alive to
Discover (Awaken),
Spiritually flourish,
Share our inherent
Wisdom and
Unconditional love
Present within every
Life, with all others,
So they too may
Discover their true
Purpose in life
As well
Separate (Ego), our
Lives lack purpose
Only together,
Selflessly sharing
Our Spirit’s wisdom
And love with others
May we all succeed
And discover life’s
Genuine value.
Our Ego’s Motive
We are meant to
Sincerely love, care,
Help, and trust each
Other (Spirit), not
Hate, neglect, hinder,
And fear others (Ego).
Allowing our lives
To be guided by our
Spirit, inherent within
Every life, will bring
Inner peace, authentic
Love, and genuine
Meaning to our lives.
Continuing, however,
To permit the Ego,
Our self-centered
Beliefs, to control our
Life, will instead lead
To the unsustainable
Continuation of the
Status quo (Asleep).
We Awaken when
We begin to question
The Ego’s motives.
We become Enlightened
When we genuinely
Understand, its real
Motives are self-
Serving, and little of
What we learned
Was true.
99 – Our Spirit Will Endure
Though we may be
Successful in life,
Wealthy, famous,
Have many
Possessions, if our
Accomplishments and
Prosperity are not
Shared with others
Less fortunate,
Including those we
Do not know, then
We will have lived
Our life without
Purpose (Asleep).
Only by selflessly
Helping others, without
Motive or benefit, will
Our Spirit endure in
Everyone we influenced
And helped with our
Kindness and generosity.
Doing so, will also bring
Genuine understanding
And meaning to our
Life’s journey
As well
100 – This is How an Enlightened Soul
Sees the World
A deep azure sky, no
Clouds to obstruct
Our view.
Colorful fragrant
Flowers and trees
Blossoming for
All to enjoy.
A calm ocean,
Barely a ripple
Disturbing its
Gentle surface.
Peace, love,
Replacing war,
Hate, injustice.
Selflessly helping
Everyone, treating
Each with a
Warm embrace.
Recognizing every
Life is equally
Observing no
Differences between
Us, regardless of
Our distinct beliefs.
Aiding all, without
Hesitation, through
Their struggles, so
They too may see
The world through
These eyes as well