7 thoughts on “The Mind, Body, Spirit Connection

  1. hi there!

    I’m fascinated with what you folks are doing at kenluball.com and eager if you would be open to me crafting an article about what you do and posting it on my website?

    I want is to do this absolutely free – no hidden agendas, just need your permission first!

    Here’s where I’ll be publishing it, and we often get plenty of excellent traffic! Take a look here:


    This is my small way to ‘pay it forward’ 🙂 Eager to hear back!

    Warm regards,

  2. Hello!

    Did you catch the story shared about kenluball.com that the community is discussing? What’s the story? How do you feel about an interview regarding this situation?

    check it here


    Please reach out as soon as you can after you’ve gone through the above.

    Best wishes,

    1. Hi Charity,

      I am very technologically challenged. I simply do not know how to reciprocate your kindness. It may therefore be best if you simply remove me from your site. Sorry. No one has ever done this before for me and I have no idea how to add you to my site.

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